
Saturday 20 December 2008

That was windy!

Just had an extremely windy night - gale force 10 was forecast. I have no idea what the wind speed was during the night as I hid under the duvet with my fingers in my ears singing la la la trying to pretend it wasn't happening ;-)

The noise of some of the gusts was terrific, huge booming noises. It doesn't help that building regulations determined that when the roof was renewed lots of ventilation slots had to be put in along the ridge line, and small pipes every few feet along the bottom of the roof where it joins the wall. Consequently it is bl**dy noisy when the wind is in a certain direction! Obviously building regs don't take into account natural Orkney ventilation! The cat usually sleeps in the study but I found her under a chair in the sitting room this morning. Clearly she'd had her paws over her ears too as she didn't hear me get up - usually she's calling for her breakfast once I emerge for the day. But at least on first appearance there is no damage to the house - well I can't see any debris lying around so that's a good sign. Wind still gusting up to 50mph so I won't be venturing forth just yet.....

Unfortunately last night I was supposed to be helping organise a party for our Film Club night. We were showing Mamma Mia! - the singalong version, together with mulled wine and mince pies. However the "late" ferry was cancelled and due to a work teleconference I couldn't get an earlier ferry. Added to that the Skipper wasn't sure he would be able to get me home this morning as the wind was going to be North Westerly which isn't good for docking at our pier. So in the end I missed the party. Harumph! Heard that it was a good night anyway - about thirty folk and lots of mulled wine was consumed by all accounts. I'd seen the film recently and was looking forward to a light frothy party night watching a film with some *sun* - and Pierce Brosnan - even if he can't sing. But I choose to live on Graemsay so one just has to take the weather as it comes. I'm not so fussed about a rough crossing but I get really scared at the pier. I'm always afraid I'll get blown over, or slip as I get on or off the boat. Given my fragile bones it seemed sensible to stay nice and warm indoors.

The electricity stayed on which was a blessing. I'd curled up on the sofa and watched an hour long preview of "Strictly" (Strictly Come Dancing) and settled to watch a repeat of "Foyle's War" which I particularly enjoy as it's set in Hastings (Kent) a town I know fairly well. Unfortunately the ITV channels went off at 10.30 so I missed seeing "whodunnit" - and yes it was a repeat and yes I'd seen it before...... but could I remember who??? Will have to go online and see if I can find out!!

BBC channels stayed on and thankfully the radio was OK, though that flickered a bit. When there's a gale blowing my "comfort blanket" is having a radio on - I suppose I psychologically feel I need to be linked to the rest of the world even though my own is being battered by wind and high seas! Anyway listened to Jamie Cullum doing a Christmas Show. I love his music (jazz) but had found his "DJ" style rather irritating. However he seems to have grown up now and his show was rather good. As was the music too.

BBC4 (digital channel) is doing a season of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jnr films and shows so I'm trying to catch some of those. I really must try and sort out my video recorder....... I'm never quite sure what channel it is exactly I'm recording.........

Well I'm waffling on about nothing really which is clearly some displacement activity instead of working! Better get cracking!

As long as the wind dies down it's the Children's Christmas Party tonight. Not sure how many folk will be there as various people off south for Christmas. But hopefully there will be chocolate and cake........

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