
Tuesday 10 February 2009

Just when you thought.......

....... the snow was disappearing, it gets dark and the sneaky snow clouds dump another inch onto the ground!

I know I should be thankful that actually we aren't really suffering severe weather. Not like the poor people out in Australia. As the ice slowly freezes on the puddles by the hen house it's hard to imagine the inferno on the other side of the globe.

On a lighter note, I've been enjoying watching the flocks of lapwings and curlews in the field behind the house. I even found a wren in the shed attached to the house (which used to be the old post office). I'd seen it there some weeks ago and left the door ajar for it to fly out, but presumably it has made it's home there as I regularly see it flying around inside when I open the door. It comes in and out of the old post box opening! I wonder if it will build a nest in the post box?

Button has been enjoying the fresh air. I don't think she spends much time with her feet on the snow - although there are a myriad of paw prints outside so maybe she does. She came in this afternoon and immediately curled up on the sofa in the study. Her fur smelled just like fresh laundry taken in from the washing line!

A friend was telling me she'd been watching hares in the field behind her house on the outskirts of Stromness. We don't have hares on Graemsay - nor any rabbits, that part is probably a blessing as far as the garden is concerned! But I just love hares - especially once they get into "Mad March Hare" mode.

Below is the sunset earlier tonight - the sun setting in the West was painting the clouds in the north a lovely rosy glow. See the snow had almost gone - not now, sigh.


  1. Thanks. The reality was even more vibrant and a lovely surprise as most of the day had been somewhat grey!

  2. Somehow it had escaped me that you have a lighthouse nearby. Heh. That is a really gorgeous picture.

  3. I love the idea of Button smelling like 'fresh laundry' after an outing in the snow! It reminds me of a household tip I read - apparently if you lay your rugs/carpets on the snow, add a bit more snow on top, and then give them a good beating, they come up fresh as new and smelling sweet. Can't say I've ever tried it though - a Hoover seems easier...

  4. Mary - I must have forgotten to mention the lighthouse.....

    Wendy: I shall remember the handy tip for next winter..... and then still use the hoover!
