
Wednesday 11 February 2009

Yep - more snow

Sheep at breakfast

The view from an upstairs window!


  1. LOVE your window view! Are the hills on Hoy or Graemsay or elsewhere?

  2. Cool photos, Sian. I'm wondering about that one sheep on top of the pile. The bellwether, perhaps? Did you ever read BELLWETHER by Connie Willis? Great book. More than I ever hoped to know about sheep. And about some other things, too.

  3. Mary Z - The hills are on the island of Hoy. They appear in most of my photos from the front of the house as they are difficult to avoid! Graemsay is very flat - the hightest "hill" we have here is about 70 feet above sea level.

    Pat: I'm not familiar with that book. I shall now have to go and investigate as you have got me curious!

  4. Oh Sian, I know the snow is not convenient but it looks so gorgeous and we have been so plain and dreary in our corner of Norfolk .... there is envy in the room!

  5. I don't miss the ice, but I must admit today *we* are back to grey dreary weather again and *I* am missing the brightness of the snow, the stillness and sunshine! I did enjoy the snow, just got a bit of cabin fever as I chose not to go far!
