
Sunday 24 July 2011

More Archaeology News

As I've posted many times here, archeology is "big" in Orkney.  This last week an exciting find was discovered by some builders on the island of Sanday, one of the Northern Orkney islands. It was a stone slab about 4ft 6 inches long bearing what is thought to be a 1,200 year old carved Pictish stone cross. Click here for more details.

Summer is also the time for various archaeological digs in Orkney, and here are some links to their blogs:

Ness of Brodgar 

Info on a dig on the island of Rousay

Brough of Deerness Blog

General news about archeology in Orkney

I'm hoping to visit the Ness of Brodgar dig again this year so will post photos! (Previous posts 2010, 2009)


  1. Please refresh my memory -what is a "ness", and where is this in relation to the Ring of Brodgar? I love all this stuff - and can't wait to see your photos.

  2. How fascinating, Sian. thanks for the links - I'll be sending the one about the Sanday discovery to my sister who lived there in the 1980s and 90s.

  3. A most interesting blog! I clicked the link 'Info on the Rousay dig' as my paternal g.g.parents left Rousay to go to NZ in the 19th century.

  4. Mary - you may never read this...sigh..sorry it took me so long to answer. The "ness" is between the standing stones at Stenness and the Ring of Brodgar.

    Perpetua - Yes I remember you saying your sister lived on Sanday. Did you visit Orkney?

    Shirlwin oh how interesting that you have Orkney roots!!
