
Saturday 23 July 2011

Tenn et lys for de døde og skadde etter tragedien i Oslo og Utøya.

"Light a candle for the dead and injured after the tragedy in Oslo and Utøya"

Orkney shares strong bonds with Norway. We were part of Norway until only 400 years ago. Last week many Norwegians were in Orkney on the Tall Ships, and today they sail from Shetland to Stavanger in Norway on the next leg of the race.

So sad to think of the tragedy that has touched their country. Our thoughts are with them at this time.


  1. I will do just that, Sian. I've been saddened all day by the sheer waste of so many innocent young (and not so young) lives. Almost incomprehensible.

  2. God bless them all.

  3. A good gesture. I am feeling so sad for our good neighbours across the water.
