
Saturday 17 March 2012

Guess what this is......

Well....... it's an egg skelter, of course (bought from the British Hen Welfare Trust)!!  And this is what it looks like with lovely freshly laid eggs upon it. Sadly you can't use it AS a skelter or you end up with scrambled or cracked eggs.  But it's still a neat way to store the free range eggs I get from my chooks AND I can keep track of which are the newest and which are the oldest eggs.  Two of my hens are laying now that Spring is here. Fortunately they are laying them in a place I can find them. Having to keep an eye (and an ear - they cluck loudly when they have laid an egg - well wouldn't you?) out for them sneaking off to lay somewhere I can't find them.

Time for some scrambled egg on toast for lunch I think.....


  1. A wonderful gubbins - but given then current size of your flock (and having those unspayed bloke chooks roaming amongst them all) - you may need 3 or more by the end of the chookie season.

    Do keep this egg gubbins away from Madam Button - she may find it a toy of feline whacking delight!!!

    (darling daft Zebby would just try to wash it and snuggle up on top)

    Fingers crossed for you, Michelle xxxx

    1. Oh yes it's well out of Madam Button's reach. It's on the freezer in the porch/utility room. She doesn't frequent that space very much as it's not heated and contains noisy machines = not conducive to napping!

  2. That is the coolest thing!! I'm going to have to order one. Hope they ship to the US. I may need more than one, as my girls are spitting out 7 - 10 eggs a day! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Putt "Egg Skelter" into Google - I'm SURE they sell them in the US and it will save on postage maybe?? There are various places in the UK that sell them but I chose to support the British Hen Welfare Trust

  3. I wish I'd had one of those when my hens were in full spate, Siab. :-)

    1. It is a great idea! I saw it in a friend's kitchen last year and just had to get one. It saves space AND helps identify the oldest.

  4. What a fantastic idea, although all my eggs come from the supermarket. At least they're freerange but I know when I bought them so no confusion. I do have a little wire hen-shaped egg basket for them though. Good luck on the egg hunt.

    1. Hmm egg hunt produced only one egg today. I'm looking suspiciously at hens now!

  5. If I hadn't just had my lunch I'd be putting the kettle and toaster on now.

    1. Ha Ha! Think if I sent you any they'd arrive ready "scrambled"!

  6. Appropriately, I am eating egg on toast while reading this post.

    What a clever invention ! Good luck finding those eggs.

    1. Well there's synchronicity for you ;-)
