
Sunday 18 March 2012

You're never alone when you have hens.....

Yesterday was another lovely Spring day. A bit breezy but in the shelter of the old stone dyke (wall) it was lovely and I got some more digging of the veggie (vegetable) patch done.  The hens just love rootling around among the soil as I dig.  Fresh worms in exchange for fresh eggs seems a reasonable deal to me!

However..... sometimes I feel a little crowded by hens..... I fear I might impale one on my garden fork, or give one concussion as it bends for a worm in a clod as I go to whack the clod to disperse the earth! Fortunately it's the older hens that cluster round me, and the old cockerel.  The younger birds wait till I've retreated to a safe distance before they tuck in.

Meanwhile the furry buds on the willow trees are bursting out already. They are so pretty.

Now....if I could just get my hens to lay eggs like this I would be very happy! But their own variety are probably healthier....sigh..... and go better with toast......


  1. What lovely sunshine, Sian. We've had a bit today, but still plenty of cloud about. I used to find that our hens started to lay much better once the days were longer than the nights. :-)

    1. Yes several are coming into lay now the days are lengthening. I know some folk put a light in the hen house so they lay all year round but I'm happy for my hens to have a wee rest! Usually I'll get one or two that lay through the winter but I had a combination of older hens who had stopped and younger hens not yet ready to lay.

  2. Great digging, hens are so funy. X even if they don't eat choc eggs xx

    1. I don't mind them not EATING them if they would only lay them ;-) But thank you for the giant choccy (as opposed to chooky) egg which will keep me going for a few days!

  3. Holy cats ! Is that a chocolate egg ?

    I'd love to have 2 or 3 hens, but we aren't allowed to have them in the city. Stooopid city !

    1. Yep a real LARGE chocolate egg! And I had another one given to me this week too..... Yum! Yes it's a shame that cities won't allow hens. As long as there is no cockerel there shouldn't be too much noise, and you would think it would be a "sustainable city" factor too!

  4. that is quite the chocolate egg ... one wonders if it is a trick of photography (shot being taken a distance from said egg) or if that egg is filled with more eggs ...

    Anne in Cambridge (the U.K. one)

    p.s. gave up choc for Lent, despite being a supporter of Dawkins etc.

    1. No trick photography! Our local supermarket (Co-op) sells these eggs made from "Fair-Trade" chocolate. This one was Butterscotch within the chocolate and I was given another one this week - a Hot Cross Bun one! Nothing inside, just hollow eggs, but very yummy! And I'm sorry if I'm teasing you with chocolate before Easter!
