
Wednesday 9 May 2012

Hens and gardening...

Photo looking over Burra sound to Moaness and Ward Hill on the island of Hoy

On a fine day it's great to get out into the garden at last. These photos were taken on a lovely Spring day last week. I took the opportunity to plant the tatties (potatoes), some onions, parsnips and broad beans. More peas and salad crops to go in yet but weather too cold to contemplate planting.

I tried shutting the hens out of the garden with "contraptions" over the gateways but they just flew over the wall! So I'm back to the usual "protecting seeds till the grow" regime.

At least I don't have to worry about working the earth to a "fine tilth" with chickens around happy to do it for me.....

And here is my new compost bin (safe from marauding chooks!). I've never really kept a proper compost bin so lots to learn but hopefully this will supplement the seaweed I also use to fertilize the ground...eventually....if I get it right....  It's quite a challenge to get a good compost going in Orkney because of the cooler temperatures etc but lots of people succeed so I shall take advice. Though I may not follow it all - one piece of advice was to pee into it!  I'd need a stepladder to get up to it and the neighbours think I'm odd enough as it is ;-)

Meanwhile my new (to me) tulips are doing well despite the wind. This one is so beautiful and reminds me of a rose


  1. What an interesting tulip. I have never seen one like that before. Last year I had 5 tulips come up in a very windy spring and they survived only to 'accidentally' get their head whipper snippered by my eager to prune husband. I came home from town and saw the stems and leaves, no heads. Didn't know whether to die from laughing or just murder him!! Pam

    1. Oh dear!! I bet plants tremble when they see him coming now ;-)

  2. you make me smile with the lines about the compost ;)

    1. Well I'm looking for candidates whom might ;-)

  3. I thought you could plant peas as soon as you can dig the soil ?

    That tulip is amazing ! It really does look like a rose.

    1. Yes the tulip is really pretty. As for peas - well yes technically you can plant them then but a) we are still having frosts so I didn't want them to emerge too soon and if the weather is cold they won't germinate much anyway. Though we are getting a fair bit of sun now. However...the main reason re "it's too cold" is because I'm a fairweather gardener LOL!! North winds are no fun for planting in ;-)

  4. Comfrey is also good to help break down compost. As for pee could do it into a container and throw it in, discreetly. Haha! Other than that, you could invite some friends over for a bbq and get the guys to go to the compost. I wouldn't add too much though could start to smell. Sue

    1. OOoh comfrey that's a good one! re other suggestions - hmmm I'll maybe give that a miss! i've never quite looked at harris tweed since I knew it was soaked in urine (well originally I suspect health and safety prevent that these days!!).

  5. Much easier just to buy some compost accelerator, Sian. :-) Having the bin where it catches lots of sun also helps and you'll be surprised how hot it can get inside once the contents start to break down.

    I'm glad you had the gorgeous weather too and I just love the tulip.
