
Tuesday 8 May 2012

Blogging Adventures Part II

It's taken a while for me to get back to this but here are some more photos from Perpetua's recent visit to Orkney (For Part I look here), and a description from Perpetua herself here.

So after a visit to Skara Brae we set off across country to the Ring of Brodgar. Perpetua was keen to see the Neolithic stone circle as she has a print of a picture painted by her sister. It was quite slippery underfoot due to recent rain but we valiantly walked around part of the circle, touched the stones and marvelled at the neolithic people who had created such a wonderful thing of beauty which had survived so long.

Imagine what this looks like when the heather is out....

Imagine how much is in the ground for this to stand up, and remember the circle was constructed before modern machinery.

The gentle curve of the circle

All too soon it was time to head back to Stromness. We passed the Ness of Brodgar so that Perpetua could get her bearings and be able to follow the archaeological dig blog that will start again this year in July. Then it was into the town for some lunch at Julia's Cafe Bistro before it was time to say our goodbyes. We packed quite a lot into such a short visit and we talked and talked and talked!  Here's hoping we can add another chapter to "Blogging Adventures" before too long.


  1. I loved these pictures, and your post was so interesting. I would like to hear what they find on the dig. My ancestors were Scots. Robertsons.

  2. You beat me to it again, Sian. :-) We're packing up to head south, so my Part 2 will have to wait until we're home. Love your photos.

  3. I'm SO jealous! What time of year is the heather in bloom? We may have to time our next trip to coincide with that.

  4. great photos , can't wait to see with my own eyes ;)

  5. I'm curious about something. Having been to the Ring with you and walked around it and THEN reading Diana Gabaldon...are there rings where the stones are much closer together? Every time I read about Claire going into the 1700s by squeezing through the stones, I always wonder where it was that she had to squeeze?

  6. You have reminded me of why I was so impressed with Orkney when I came there. I recommend everyone should visit as it is so very special. Lovely photos.

  7. It sounds like a lovely day. I'm so glad you got to spend time with Perpetua, whose blog I also follow (thanks to you!).

  8. I wanna go there, I wanna go there.
