
Monday 7 May 2012

The humble scone....

I have fallen in love with scones.  It was only since moving to Orkney and tasting warm home-made oven baked scones that I realised what I had been missing all these years!  I once baked scones at school (domestic science) but they were like bullets and I never tried again. Dad, being from Wales, always preferred Welsh cakes so if I was baking that's what I made.  Latterly he would eat "fruit scones", the supermarket wrapped variety. I hated them, they were big and doughy and not at all the "sweet" cake I enjoyed.

However my tastes are turning to less sweet things these days, and there is absolutely NO comparison between shop-bought scones and home-baked.  Sorry I took so long to discover this Dad.... but I'll raise a freshly baked scone and a cuppa (tea) to your memory!

I received a "Mary Berry Baking Bible" for a recent birthday so have been experimenting with some new recipes. It's cold and sleety/hail outdoors so what better activity to indulge in on a cold Sunday morning (and try and forget it's MAY and should be warm!).

Some lemon biscuits, some oaty ones too and a walnut and sultana "tea bread" (a cake that you slice and butter).

And a banana loaf, one of my favourites so have tried a new recipe.

And no I will NOT be eating ALL these at once. The "tea-bread" style cakes freeze well, as do the scones, and I may be forced to share some of the biscuits this week too! I'm still a very "novice" baker but I do so enjoy the fruits of my labours, even if some are not suitable to share ;-)


  1. And will scone recipes be forthcoming??????

  2. Memories of my baking days when there were 7 of us at home! Love banana loaf!! And it keeps so well. I also made an apple and raisin loaf that was delicious and didn't last long at all.
    What better way to spend a cold day? There are none!

  3. yes , i agree with Mary, could you give us your scone recipe, they look so good ;)

  4. Now you've done it ....I'll be baking tomorrow! Mmmm....Sue

  5. One of the reasons I go to the UK is for scones. So many places here that sell scones sell dry chunks of something that should be a scone, but isn't. I have recently discovered one place that sells pretty good scones (but no clotted cream), and yesterday went for tea to a place that had wonderful scones and such a small amount of clotted cream, it was hardly noticeable. Not sure why this country can't do a proper scone and clotted cream!

  6. Oh yum, Sian! I love the fact that Bara Brith and other tea breads freeze so well. In fact I think they are even moister and stickier after being frozen. Scones too are a freezer standby. all i need is a recipe for biscuits which will freeze....

  7. "not suitable to share" ... so YOU say!
    They look splendid and inviting to me ... it has been quite chilly & rainy here so I may make some carrot bread this week ... very delicious with a shot of Cointreau poured in.

    Anne in Cambridge

  8. Can't wait till I get my new scratch and sniff, smell-o-vision computer.

    Love the shot of the tea and scones.

  9. I am with you. My scones are legendary in my family for their non-rising properties.
