
Saturday 24 November 2012

Sorry for absence....

No, not due to power outages from the storm - neither of which arrived. It was quite windy and our boat was cancelled on Thursday but not the storm force winds we were expecting thankfully.

My absence is due to a cold. I know, nothing too serious. Though I have been feeling pretty rubbish with it and have an annoying cough.  As I have reduced lung function (due to a spinal condition) and chronic asthma I tend to get a bit anxious even with "just" a cold.  However I seem to be on the mend now. Certainly feel more "human" today!

Anyway - the sunset above is from the evening after the Storm-that-wasn't.  Friday was a day of heavy showers......

And large puddles, but no floods, unlike other parts of the UK. I do feel for them!

But there were lovely rainbows.  This photo was taken by my neighbour Mick, as he drove past my house. delivering the post. Mick's the island postman - yes we have our very own postman AND post-office (limited hours obviously).  But we have daily collection and delivery Monday to Friday. Not bad for a wee island!

But the sun is shining today. I'll maybe take a wee walk and get some "air" before settling down on the sofa to watch old movies ("Some Like It Hot" and "Brandy for the Parson") and chill out with Button.

Hopefully back soon!


  1. Hope you soon feel better!

    I imagine something like asthma can be quite worrying when you're in such a remote location and that you have to try and predict how bad it's going to get well in advance.

    Lovely photos!

    1. Yes feeling much better now thanks! Yes I always keep a good supply of medication to hand. Though we have a doctors surgery in town and a pharmacy so as long as there are boats it's not too difficult.

  2. So glad you are feeling better.

  3. As I have asthma, I can certainly relate. Hopefully you are well on the road to recovery. Tuck yourself up warmly and feel better soon. I'm wheezing and sneezing here and have been for months. The cotton harvesting and ginning here fills the air with dust, plant particles, and cotton particles -- all of it coated with one "-cide" or another. It starts in September and usually goes on till the end of December. I could use a heaping helping of sea air right about now.

    1. Much better now thank you! Oh dear I do feel for you. It's really unpleasant and tiring constantly wheezing and sneezing. I had more problems when I lived near London with the pollution. There are still triggers here of course, the sea air blows a lot of it away! Wish I could bottle some (with our wind to blow away the dust!). Hmmm I'd make a fortune ;-)

  4. Colds can make you feel really rotten, so I hope you feel better now. Weatherwise, perhaps we got the storm that you didn't - it has been horrendous in this part of the Midlands and the floods are some of the worst I've seen - the water looks like liquid chocolate! I did some photos and put them on my blog, but the light was very bad, and they are not very good.

    1. Ugh - I've been watching the news on TV and it does look awful. Hope you manage to stay dry!

  5. hope you are better,i also got a cold, a small war around me and 3 grandchilds finding shelter in my house.floods seems to me very scary too.

    1. Oh my thoughts are with you Yuliya. Life must be so hard and uncertain for you. I feel for your grandchildren. What must they make of this world they were born into?

    2. thank you for your warm words sian. you see, in one day the war is over.till next time.

  6. Glad you're feeling a bit better, Sian. As a fellow asthmatic, used to colds descending on my chest, I truly sympathise.

    We've had a lot of rain here in Mid-Wales, but nothing like the worst-affected areas. Can there be any left up there?

    1. Glad you have escaped the worst of the weather. Fortunately I seem to be over my cold fairly quickly ...this time!

  7. Hi Sian,

    I'm an online reporter for STV News, and I'm currently chatting to your resident island postman, Mick, and his experiences on Graemsay.

    If it's alright with you, would you mind if I asked some questions about the island and Mick?

    Could you drop me a wee email at:

    Thank you so much for your time - loving the blog as well!

