
Tuesday 27 November 2012

Calm morning...

Yesterday was lovely and calm in the morning before the wind got up in the evening. But thankfully the wind abated pretty soon. I love calm days in Orkney, they are particularly precious in the Autumn and Winter as the wind is a constant companion otherwise.  Above is Sandside Bay with a wee creel boat sailing into view.

There are quite a few creel boats in Stromness that sail around and put creels in the Bay and around the shore of Graemsay. These are used to catch crab, or partans as they are known locally. There were quite a few gulls around this one so I'm guessing he had a good catch.

The reek (smoke) was rising from the lum (chimney) up at the old Manse

And the water was glass calm across to Stromness - I felt I could just walk across it to the town (but not in the Red Shoes)!


  1. What lovely weather you're having. And it sounds like you're feeling better, too. Good all around!

    1. Weather was snowy this week but all in all it's not been too bad! hope you are doing OK too! Must pop over to your blog. I'm SO behind with blog reading these days....sigh...

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Bev! As you can see I'm enjoying my "new to me" camera!

  3. I love the photos,Sian, espeically the first with its gorgeous reflection. You weather has been so much better than ours. Sigh....

    1. I love taking photos of reflections. And yes all in all the weather hasn't been too bad for us. HOpe you get a spell of good weather soon!
