
Tuesday 27 November 2012

Sun still shining....

Thanks for all kind thoughts - I'm feeling much better now. Cough has almost gone too thankfully. I must say our primary health care centre in Stromness is brilliant. I was able to phone my GP (general practitioner) at the health surgery and get advice and a prescription for a magic elixir to stop me coughing so much.  When I lived "south" I could never get an appointment within a month to see my GP never mind a personal conversation with her!!  Of course as I have asthma I keep a good supply of medication to hand for most eventualities. But, as anyone with asthma knows, if you go into a chemist and ask for something for a cough or cold, most over the counter things are off limits because of interactions.  Fortunately a simple remedy was available via my GP this time.

As a result of feeling unwell I had a fairly lazy weekend, relaxing watching old movies (I collect them for such occasions!) as well as catching up on some reading. The "old fashioned" real book kind as well as with my wonderful "Kindle".  Oooh the wonder of almost any book at the touch of a button.....glorious!

I also felt well enough to have a short wander down the the shore, at Button's insistence. No really - she stands on the doorstep demanding I go out with her.  Sometimes I just threaten to shut her tail in the door if she doesn't move (I wouldn't!), but I do enjoy her company on a walk so was happy to go with her this time.

As you can see the weather here is still lovely and sunny with no wind. We've had some rain showers but nothing like the floods that have been occurring south in the UK. I really feel for people. It must be so horrific to be flooded out, and for some folk it's a re-occurrence.

Anyway, back to a lovely sunny Graemsay.....

The wind last week had swept seaweed onto the shore (MUST remember to take a bucket down and get some for the vegetable patch!).

And the waves had sculpted the sand...

And swept the sand and seaweed into ridges

Meanwhile Button (who is a very vocal cat) clearly had something to say. Hmm maybe this should be a caption competition!

Wind is getting up outside as I type.  Lovely to be nice and cosy indoors. Button is snoring on the sofa behind me!


  1. Glad you're feeling better.

    Being near the seashore here in Nova Scotia, I've often considered picking up seaweed to mulch and fertilize my garden but wasn't sure if the salt content would be a problem ???

    1. Seaweed is frequently used around the coast for vegetables. Not sure it's a good idea for flower beds. In the Channel Islands the farmers put it straight off te shore onto ploughed fields and mix it in and let it rot down before planting the potatoes.

      I do the same - put it on top of a freshly dug vegetable patch (though I don't always dig it in) and let it dry out and rot down. Then lightly turn the soil before planting. It's very beneficial and things I've grown haven't seemed to suffer. But then I'm about 50 yards from the sea shore so they have to deal with salt anyway!

  2. I'm glad you're feeling better, Sian, and have been having good weather. In fact it sounds like you've been having the best weather in Britain. :-)

    I must confess that I'm still a real-book person pure and simple, even though everyone I know with Kindle says they are marvellous. Perhaps I'll give in one day....

    1. I love real books. As you probably saw I have a bookcase in nearly every room. But I have grown to love my kindle - especially when travelling. And for reading in bed - easier to prop up than a book. Ohh and the joy of ordering and getting the book delivered direct to te kindle within minutes......oooop delicious :-) But I sincerely hope "real" books are around for many years to come. I only read fiction on my kindle.... all other books must be "real".
