
Thursday 31 January 2013

A winter storm....

Yesterday the wind raged, and a storm surge tide tore at the dunes along the shoreline, scattering seaweed and stones onto the road.  For hours the wind screamed like a banshee trying to gain entry to the house. It spat rain through locks, rattled windows and drain pipes and howled down the chimneys.

Button and I huddled close together in bed, with the radio and a night-light for comfort. The supernatural force seemingly stronger in the dense black of the night. Voices and music coming through the radio from Manchester, far south, away from the storm, bringing comfort during the sleepless hours.

The old stone house turned "it's shoulder to the wind", standing strong. It had weathered many storms and I knew this would be no different. Just human weakness making me anxious in the dark hours.

Gradually light dawns and the roar of the wind, though strong, holds less fear for me know. I can watch the storm with awe. The waves crashing over the shore, where they would gently lap at the sand and stones.

Hens sheltering among the skeleton bushes in the lea of the wind, scratching for grubs. Once the storm eases I venture out, muffled and mittened, bracing against the wind.  Extra rations for them and the barn cat. I'm not coming out again today..... and still the wind roars.

The local news with tales of flood and road closures. No ferry today so children at home.  Neighbours phone "Are you OK?". Friendly voices with reassurance.  Time to work. The roar of the wind subsides and Button longs to be outdoors, running to the shelter of the trees. But even for her it is too wild and my Orkney cat returns to the warmth of her bed. I gain comfort from a cup of tea.  Soon the wind tires and slips away, maybe it too is sleeping in a bed..... waiting to return.....


  1. The wind is doing the same here in Nova Scotia, though I think it is gradually going to abate. When it gusts I wonder what is going to blow off or break off, but so far, I don't see any real damage. The wind can be a frightful thing.
    Stay safe.

    1. Yes I gather you are getting high winds too! Scary!! Hope you can stay safe and WARM!!

  2. Like Bonnie, I am in Nova Scotia and the winds are gusting to over 90 kph ! It's crazy mild today, setting a new record high of 12C. Overnight it's going to plunge down 20 degrees ! So when you talk about wind and crashing waves: we understand, we really do.

    1. We had wind speed gust recorded of 113 mph, though mostly the gust were 80 mph ish.... I wasn't counting!! Today is so calm and mild too. I can empathise with you across the ocean!

  3. I was thinking about you when I saw the weather forecast, Sian, and am glad to know you've survived unscathed. those photos are very dramatic compared with any I've seen before of the same view. No wonder you just hunkered down until the wind dropped. DH and I were woken by a thunderstorm early this morning, but the wind has been nowhere near as bad as with you.

  4. I'm glad you're nice and cosy now. Hat really was a window rattler. It's worse in the dark isn't it? Takes on a force and strangeness during the wee small hours.

    Peedie of course refused to go out in it (sensible chap) whilst haggis I swear was online shopping for a kite surfing kit in his size.

    Fingers crossed he next one (mon?) isn't as violent.

  5. you decribe the scene perfectly :)
