
Friday 1 February 2013

Winter at the Ring of Brodgar

I've spoken about the Ring of Brodgar many times - it's one of my favourite places. A neolithic stone circle on the Orkney Mainland just outside Stromness, it's often busy with folk and coach trips in the summer. Today it was lovely to walk among the stones in utter isolation. Then a walk down to the loch and some moody photos of the Hoy hills.....

The heather brown and lifeless but ready to grow anew once the warmth of the sun returns.

Modern graffiti on old stones....

I love the lichens on the stone

After all the rain it's very boggy underfoot.... a good opportunity to wear my new wellies (rubber boots), purchased in a winter sale. These are kiddies boots bought because the smiley faces are so cheerful - I swear the smiles get broader the more puddles they greet.

The sheep in a nearby field keep a watchful eye as I walk down to the shore of the loch

The Hoy hills make a wonderful backdrop

More sheep - their field is a little waterlogged too...

Time to watch some of the many swans on the loch before heading home again....

A lovely quiet interlude after the gales of recent days. A chance to "recharge my battery" as the next weather front approaches!


  1. beautiful place and nice wellies ;)

  2. Oh, I am SOOOO jealous that you get to go to the Ring of Brodgar almost anytime you want to. If I lived in the Orkneys, I'd probably spent at least the first year living in my car or a campsite across the road so I could see the Ring anytime I moved my head. It's one of the few places I'd really love to return to see.

    1. It is a really beautiful and special place. I love it too - best of all when I have it to myself. That is really magical

  3. I love the ring of Brodgar, I have a photograph we took on one of our visits to Orkney as the wallpaper on my computer, it makes me feel tranquil every time I turn it on.

    1. Yes - I love it too.... I love to visit it at different times of the year and in different lights. It really has a "sense of place" about it.

  4. Sounds like something from the Lord of the Rings !

    Several years ago I visited Avebury Henge in Wiltshire, England and found the experience quite moving. There is just something about a henge ...

    1. Oh yes I love henges. I've yet to visit Avebury but would love too.

  5. I still remember when you took me to see the Ring of Brodgar, and the feeling of peace I had there. That really is a magical place. I want to come back and visit again!

    1. Yes come back!!! And soon!!! I now have a roof on the house and heat. LOL!

  6. How lovely to see the Ring at a different time of year, Sian. Like Mary, I so enjoyed our trip to see it after we'd been to Skara Brae. Happy days. :-)

    1. Hope YOU can come back and visit sometime too - and with your new "vision" :-)
