
Friday 18 January 2013

Bit choppy at sea today....

The above photo was taken from the island webcam run by my neighbour Mick. It's handy to see what's going on at the pier re tide and sea.  As you can see it's a little choppy today. Remember these are very sheltered waters so it's worse out of the Flow. What you can't see is that the wind is also quite strong, south-easterly.  So our ferry is cancelled for the day. We have some new skippers on board. The old skipper who retired this year had sailed this stretch of water for over 50 years and saw it as a challenge to come out in rough weather, these guys are not so familiar with the vessel so, understandably, they are more cautious. Hence the boat being cancelled.

However apart from that all is fine - we have no snow, just sleety showers. And the power is still on! I've just heard that 10,000 homes in Wales are without power in snowy and blizzard conditions. I feel for them!! And the poor power line workers who go out in appalling conditions to restore the lines.

I'm hoping the cancelled ferry is the worst thing we have to deal with this weekend!


  1. Our ferries here, between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick,and NS and Newfoundland are cancelled quite often because of high winds.

  2. Now I feel guilty. Here it's 59F/15C, with 30% humidity, and wind at 19 mph/30 kph, which for here is "breezy". Sad about your ferry driver retiring and having to have "inexperienced" new ones, but after 50 years (!) of piloting the ferry I'd say he deserved it.

  3. Love those web cams.

    One of my favourites here in Nova Scotia is located in Hall's Harbour which is located on the Bay of Fundy. Here's a link to the web cam ... For fun, you can click on a time lapse of the last 24 hours ...

  4. That looks like even the big ferry would have an uncomfortable trip, Sian. I hope conditions improve for you and you'll soon be back in contact with the mainland.

  5. Hope the ferry is back on soon Sian, interesting comment about the older skiper braving all elements, I do think we as a society are becoming soft and less intune with the elements. Having said that I've had some horrendous ferry crossings in my time, we got there safe and sound, but a but of a roller coaster. Keep warm
