
Tuesday 15 January 2013

Heating restored - Hooray!!

Last night heating was restored! A. came along and replaced the leaky pipe and the house is now warm again. Yippee!! Just as well as the temperature is dropping. There is snow in other parts of Scotland and the UK but very little here in Orkney so far.

Button is, of course, delighted that she once again has warm paws..... it's odd seeing a cat stretched out on the floor when there are cosy chairs around, but she's no fool - the underfloor heating is keeping her warm!

It's been a lovely dry, calm and bright day so I took a quick turn around the island in the car as the sun was getting lower in the sky. Well OK it doesn't get particularly high at this time of year! But the days ARE getting longer. Sunset was at 3.50 today. An improvement from a month ago!  The light is very "blue" at this time of the year.  I love the bleak beauty of the landscape in Winter (as long as I have heating at home!).

The old croft of Dean with the Hoy Hills in the background.....

Across Burra Sound to Hoy......

Another old croft house...

No snow on the hills of Orphir on the Orkney Mainland though....

Thanks for all the recent comments - I'm behind in replying but I really DO love getting comments. It's nice to know that someone is reading my blog!


  1. Hi Sian, A friend recommended your blog, and I'm glad she did! I moved from South east England to Nova Scotia, Canada, and can see some similarites in the terrain. For some reason I can't sign in to your blog to post comments as mine is a Wordpress blog, so I come as an annonymous googler! Regards

    1. Ack don't tell me about Wordpress! I have an account with them and it gets tricky sometimes too! Anyway - Welcome to Graemsay. Thanks for dropping by. I've just had a look at your blog too. Oooh I shall have to add that to my blog list. I'm always fascinated by folk who up sticks and move somewhere completely new. You're even more extreme than me! LOL!

  2. So glad you and Princess Button are warm once again. Beautiful scenery,no snow here either in extreme south ( Isle of Wight ) but forecast says maybe Friday ( chance to wear new snow boots and play! )

    1. And have you got snow NOW? I've been watching the weather reports as my brother lives on the South Coast. Have you tried out the new snow boots yet?? I bought a pair two years ago and have yet to wear them in earnest. Though they are warm so have worn them around the island.

  3. Hi Sian, I'm Lynne's anonymous friend. I knew she'd enjoy your blog.

    Glad your heat is back on and Button as her under-floor heating back.

    Love the abandoned crofter's cottage.

  4. Nice to see that heating has been resumed. Thank you for the lovely photographs, I love seeing them. Linda xXx

  5. Yay, you have warmth all around again, and restoration of your "tripping risk" as Madam Button clearly knows the bestest spots on the once more cosy floor!

    1. Visitors are sometimes alarmed at seeing Button stretched out on the floor, sometimes in a "dead cat" pose. Then I explain about the heating. :-) Lovely to see you here - I've saved you a piece of cake!

  6. hurrah a nice warm house and a contended cat :)

    1. Yes - both are very welcome! There is nothing quite so obnoxious as a dis-contented cat OR a cold house....

  7. Success! Winter is no time to be without heating,. so you must both be happy. :-) Gorgeous photos as always.

    1. Oooh I've been checking the weather map to see how you are faring. I see from your blog that the snow hadn't reached you yet, but maybe now?? STay safe and warm....

    2. Oh yes, it's here now, Sian. Watch this space....

  8. I've never commented before but I've been reading your blog for about 2 months now and am really enjoying it. Glad you've got your heating back, although I'm struggling to imagine cold weather just now. I'm in Sydney Australia and summer is in full swing here. :-)

    1. Hi Tabitha, welcome to Graemsay, pull up a chair and have a cup of tea (or coffee if you prefer) and a slice of cake :-) Yes I gather from the tennis tournament on TV that is from Melbourne that you are sizzling "down under" at the moment! I'd struggle in that heat, but oh for a little warmth in the sun would be nice :-)

  9. I haven't commented before but I've been reading your blog for a couple of months now and am really enjoying it. Hard to imagine needing heating right now, but I'm glad to hear yours if back again. I'm in Sydney Australia where summer is in full swing. :-)

  10. I'm reading! I just don't usually say much. I do love your pictures though, and I'm very very glad you have your heat back! We're freezing here now, and I would be quite cross without my heat.

    1. LOL! I know I have quite a number of people who pop in and don't comment (well from my web statistics it would seem that way). I'm the same that I follow "silently" - I just don't always have the time for the extra key strokes to comment or indeed have anything to say. Enjoy the pictures in blissful silence by all means :-)

  11. I live in the outskirts of Newtown and sometimes have to call Newtown Heating twice a week. My furance is old and is constantly failing. Thank goodness I have a friend who works for the company or I would be a popsicle.
