
Monday 14 January 2013

Brrrr.... no heating!

Great, snow is forecast and my heating has broken down, or to be more precise there's a leak in a pipe. Help is at hand and it will hopefully be repaired in the next day or two.  Meanwhile I have some portable heaters that can keep a couple of rooms warm and the extra thick duvet on the bed..... however I am fighting with the cat for the heat..... of course.

Just checking the temperature

Clearly to her liking.....

Protecting the controls so no one can remove the heat from Princess Button?

Yesterday to help heat up the kitchen I did a batch of baking.  Welsh cakes and a new recipe for one of my favourites, coffee and walnut tray bake.  Both were yummy though I say so myself!  And at least I don't have to fight Button for them as she is singularly uninterested in Cake.....


  1. Oh No Sian, I hope you get your heating back up and running soon, it's bad enough being damp, dark and miserable without freezing your butt off in January!! :)

    1. LOL! At least the light is returning a little now :-)

  2. At least you've found something you don't have to compete with Button over. I hope your heat gets fixed soon.

    1. Yes I'm relieved she doesn't like Cake!

  3. Mmm that cake looks delicious. Hope you have your heating back soon. xXx

    1. It was a new recipe and I'm pleased with how it turned out. I didn't eat it all myself though! I shared it around a bit... :-)

  4. Fingers crossed that your heating is fixed very soon.

    Zebby Cat wasn't at all impressed last year when I had a heat pump installed - it took him a few months to work out that the sofa was the best place to enjoy it after years of lazying on the floor in front of a bar heater!

    1. Hee Hee poor Zebbycat must have thought you were being really horrid to him to remove his source of heat! As if they weren't warm enough with all that fur...sigh....

  5. It's times like these that fuzzy slippers and lap robes come in so handy. Baking is a good way to heat up the house. Making stew is another way. Good thing you had those portable heaters. . .

    1. Yes baking, stew, and soup. I make lots of soup! Yes thank goodness for portable heaters!

  6. Baking is an excellent way to help heat the house. So is making a big pot of stew or soup. Perfect time for the fuzzy slippers and lap robe. If you are a knitter, here's something to consider -- a shrug.
    They're great for keeping your shoulders warm while you're cooking, or sitting in bed reading, etc. It's like a shawl that you don't have to tie around you to keep on, and they are really very simple.

    1. Knitting is not my thing at all. I never learned. I'm definitely challenged in the craft department ;-)

  7. Ouch, NOT the time for this to happen, Sian. I hope it's mended very soon and in the meantime stoke up on cake. :-)

  8. Oh that cake looks delish. I'll be right over for a piece.

    Stay warm.

    Drag the cat under the covers. You'll both be warmer !

    1. My last cat LOVED to be under the covers! But Button prefers snuggling into a duvet but is not happy underneath. Which is fine by me really. I have an electric blanket that does the job instead and means I don't have to fight for space quite so much either ;-) And the cake was good, though I say so myself. It was a new recipe and I was pleased with how it turned out. Yes come and have a slice! LOL!

  9. Hope you soon get it fixed! (By the way, have you ever thought of starting up an internet cake selling business? - My mouth is watering .....)

    1. LOL! Really my cakes are NOT that good. I'm not what you call a natural baker. I can follow a recipe and eventually make some modifications but I came to baking late in life so am still learning. Loving all the taste tests though ;-)
