
Thursday 14 March 2013

A light dusting of snow...

Another busy week but thought I'd share these pictures with you. A light dusting of snow each day for the last couple of days. Disappears once the sun has been on it a while. Ooooh I love the warmth I feel in the sun again now!

Snow on the beach!

And the lambs keep coming....

Sadly the old cockerel died this morning. He'd been unwell for a couple of days. I kept putting him in a hay lined nesting box but he kept getting out to sit with his "girls".  Found him "asleep" this morning at the feet of his girls. They, of course, were quite unconcerned and just wanted their breakfast when I went in. Poor old fella.


  1. Sorry about your rooster. Bet he had a wonderful life.

    I love image of the snow on the High Hoy hills ...

    1. Yes he had a good life. Always makes me sad when they go though.

  2. Gorgeous! We've had the same over the last couple of days, minus the blue skies and sunshine of course. :-)

    So sorry to hear about the old cockerel. You gave him a good life.

    1. Yes he had a good life, completely free range, and with his girls. Sorry you have so much snow! Hope Easter brings a thaw?

  3. Lovely to see the snow up there Sian,I guess that's a fairly rare thing being an island. As I write this on the 22nd, most of the UK is once again under a blanket of the white stuff. One day, we will have warmth on our backs again.

    And..... at least the boy was with his ladies and not cooped up in some factory farm. He looks a stunner from the photo.

    1. We often get a smattering of snow on hills but rarely anything to bother us much with, or that lasts long (much to disappointment of the island children, young and old!). Yes the old boy was with his ladies. He was a lovely friendly bird and very handsome in his youth.

  4. Snow on the beach is always strange.

    Poor cockerel. But as Perpetua says, it will have been a good life.

    1. Yes snow on the beach always does look odd to me....
