
Monday 25 March 2013

Yes it's still cold....

No excuses for not blogging. Except I got kind of bored of going on about the weather.  It's still cold but at least we don't have the awful snow and ice that other parts of the UK are suffering under.  It's just cold.  Last week we also had a strong to gale force East wind - direct from Siberia.... so it was perishingly cold! Button and I hibernated..... however today the wind dropped and the sun came out so, as you can see above, Button and I took a bit of a walk on the beach!

The days ARE getting longer - next Sunday is the start of British Summer Time (pah!). Sunrise this morning was at 5.59 am and sunset at 6.36pm..... It was the vernal equinox when there was supposed to be equal amounts of night and day. I have NO idea...I was hibernating at the time....

But this evening it was lovely to go for a walk after work and before dinner. (I stop work at 6pm).  It was too cold to stay out long so I resisted the temptation to run along the sand...

And instead went for a walk along the shell beach, the remains of the old burned out wooden boat still hanging on after the winter gales...

Button enjoyed a brief hunt for mice and voles....

While I gazed over to Stromness where work on the pier is moving apace. Lots of sounds of thumps as piles are driven into the seabed to hold the new pier....

The sun shone on the West Mainland.....

And then we turned for home and dinner, as a shower crossed the bay....

Note....sorry for the oddly shaped photos. I have a speck of dust on the inside of the camera lens which is causing problems and me lots of grief!.....sigh....


  1. The weather tends to dominate our thoughts at times ... either it's too hot, or too cold. 'Tis just as well the weather is about the only thing over which we have no control.

    1. The weather is so changeable in the UK, and in Orkney in particular that it's always a topic of discussion! Especially relating to the wind, direction etc.

  2. I marvel at your cat that goes for walks with you ! I love the first photo of Button overlooking the beach.

    I'm with you about the weather: so very tired of winter.

    1. Yes Button loves to come for a walk with me. Sometimes she stands at the door and DEMANDS I go with her. LOL! I try and avoid the road (even though it's not that busy) and keep to the beach and tracks.

      We've had Spring for the last few days here, but sharp frosts are night still. But I'm enjoying it while i can!

  3. Isn't it perishing, Sian? Still, you seem to get the sun when the rest of the UK doesn't, so I always known where to come for a glimpse of blue sky. :-) I do hope it warms up for us all soon.

    1. The last couple of days have been warmer in the sun but cold out of it. And sharp frosts at night. But yes it is extraordinary that we are basking in sunshine and blue skies while the rest of the UK is pretty gloomy. Even sister in Channel Islands is complaining of the cold and grey.

  4. I know what you mean, as a blogger you do wonder how many posts about the weather your readers can stand. However your weather is a bit different to our Edinburgh weather, so I'm quite happy to read about it.

    Poor you with the speck of dust. I have one on the lens of my big camera - I've taken it to be cleaned at a camera shop but it's reappeared. I did get some comments about the 'eagle' I managed to capture in one shot - it does look a bit like a bird in flight!

    1. Our weather IS very changeable. And can be quite dramatic too. I do laugh when I am in the South of England and someone says it's going to be windy and it's a mere 20mph. That's not even worthy of comment in Orkney! LOL!

      HOping a friend can sort out the dust. Apparently digital camera's are prone to it...sigh...
