
Monday 7 October 2013

Relaxing with chocolate...

Well chocolate biscuits to be precise. I'd bought some for our "first responder" training course today and brought them home to "look after". Hmmm I need to put them in a smaller container tomorrow so they look more... otherwise folk will know I've eaten half of them this evening. Oops....

Above - a lovely tranquil sea - not today but a couple of days ago.  And here is HRH Princess Button snoozing while I'm rushing around chasing MY tail - or so it seems.

But I HAVE made some progress with the genealogy and made contact with some long lost relatives (can they be long lost if you didn't know they existed??).  So opportunities to ask questions, fill in gaps and swap stories. And hopefully meeting up in the not too distant future.  All good fun....

Time to do some "swotting" for day 2 of our course tomorrow......


  1. You "look after" chocolate biscuits with the same enthusiasm I would ;)

    Wow, it didn't take you long to find some long lost relatives! I also have been in contact with a very distant relative who is doing some research into the family history but I can't see us having any stories to share. Still, I wouldn't mind meeting up anyway.

  2. Love the shot of HRH. Glad the genealogy search is going well. It can get quite addictive.

  3. Get thee behind me, Satan. This week DH and I finished off a packet of chocolate biscuits bought for visitors, but there;'s still an unopened packet in the cupboard, calling to me. Help!
