
Sunday 6 October 2013

Running to catch up.....

You know how it is.... sorry no time to blog at the moment! All OK just busy - work, tomorrow a 2 day first aid course for our first-responder training, more work. I have also started, with lots of help from a friend D, researching family history - absorbing...obsessive......

oh and we had a power cut this week. It lasted about 20 hours. It turned out to be a problem with the undersea cable that comes to Graemsay from the Orkney Mainland (near Orphir). Fortunately the engineers were able to fix it eventually, and braved heavy rain and wind to do so.  They had planned to bring a generator over but apparently our ferry, the MV Graemsay, couldn't lift it (the crane couldn't). But the engineers got power back on as soon as possible anyway.  I just went to bed early with a battery radio and a camping lantern. I have a gas hob (hotplate) so could make hot drinks and cook, and fortunately it was relatively mild so not too chilly indoors.  And I put on extra layers and in the morning baked some welsh cakes on the planc (griddle) and that warmed the kitchen up nicely!

So will be back soon - when time and energy permit!! Send CAKE ;-)


  1. Oh, I know the feeling, Sian, though for different reasons. It helps to know it's not just me who can't keep up. Good luck with the course and hope things calm down soon.

    1. Glad to read your blog post today and see that things are going OK for you. I thought things would calm down by the end of the summer but the busy-ness seems to be ongoing for now. Ah well - it's all good fun really. As long as I get enough sleep and eat sensibly....

  2. Parcels up cake and runs to the post office. Well brave on the power stuff - good chaps those boys.

    1. Just take it to the BOAT!! Never mind the post office! LOL! Thanks for your kind intentions anyway.....

  3. Perhaps some sort of Cake Responder is called for to... er... cater for these sorts of emergencies? Good shout with the Welsh Cakes, a particularly fine pick-me-up for the senses. Let's hope that there's not a regional embargo slapped on the name :o(

    1. Ooooh yes Cake Responder, now there's a thought. And woe betide any official who tries to put a regional embargo on Welsh Cakes. I have Granny's recipe and NO ONE is going to say I can't bake them OR call them Welsh Cakes. Pah!

  4. All manner of things keep us from keeping up. For me, I just keep on keeping on. It's the best I can do, even on a good day.

    1. Yup know what you mean! But here's to keeping on keeping on :-)

  5. "Keeping on" sure beats the alternative ... of NOT keeping on. ;-)
