
Tuesday 19 November 2013


OK, just a sprinkling, and mostly on the hills, but it's still SNOW, and a little too early in the season for that in Orkney!  We don't normally get much snow or ice (that good old Gulf Stream again), but some years are better (or worse) than others. The forecast is for a snowy winter this year.  Salt supplies accumulated for the back step, extra food in for hens, and checking of store cupboard. Snow boots dusted off (though didn't need them today!).

The roads were icy and covered in a thin layer of snow from about 11pm last night. There were some accidents on the roads in Orkney today too. I think it caught people by surprise....

It looks pretty and wasn't too cold. Though I gave the hens and Charlie the barn cat extra rations, just in case....

But tomorrow severe gales are forecast and rain. So the snow won't hang about long on this occasion!

Meanwhile Button will stare glumly out of the window.... she doesn't like the snow....cold paws....

Monday 18 November 2013

A wee play with my camera....

I was just randomly playing with some settings when out for a walk on the beach with Button last week. She smelled a mouse in the long grass and took a while more in hope I think to seek it out. Without success, but while she was focussing her not inconsiderable talents in that direction I amused myself....

The buildings which are part of the old steading....slowly subsiding onto the shore.....

This is an old croft house and an old forge.  The old forge has already succumbed to coastal erosion with one wall now on the shore. The old croft house will soon be joining it....

More of the old steading which used to be part of Sandside.  The old byre at the end was originally a house and many of the Sutherland family were born there. I keep meaning to take time to photograph the inside of these old buildings. The fireplaces are still visible. Through the door at the end was then a stable and the stalls are still there.  Note to self - stop being a wimp and get out in the winter sunshine and take photos!

And back into "technicolour"..... The shells here are not actually directly from the beach, well they were originally, obviously, but this row is part of a midden (old rubbish tip) from one of the old croft houses, showing that shellfish were certainly part of their diet in the 18th & 19th Century.

The sunshine lighting up the old buildings

And I mentioned Button......

And a black and white cat in, well, black and white...

And even Charlie came out to see what all the fuss was about (Button was still hunting at this point and lagging behind - I try and not let them deliberately meet as there are the usual hissy-fits and posturing

Both cats have the sense to keep a wary eye out for the hens, who with their sharp pecky beaks and their feet make their presence felt and keep the cats in order....

And here we are almost home again. Looking out over a lovely calm sea,  West towards the mouth of Scapa Flow and on towards...well.... Canada!

Sunday 17 November 2013

Story-telling on Graemsay.....

There are always stories circulating on Graemsay, however last Saturday was particularly special. We had two story-tellers from the Orkney Storytelling Festival visit the island to give us an evening of stories - tall tales, stories of ghosties and other strange tales. Well it was Halloween not long ago :-)

So Tom Muir, Orkney's very own International Storyteller (and Exhibition officer at the Orkney Museum) along with Fran Flett Holinrake, storyteller, historian, and assistant custodian of the magnificent St Magnus Cathedral, spun stories of days of old, and phantasmagorical tales.

This was their second visit, we were a little down on audience numbers this year as some folk were unwell, but those that were there thoroughly enjoyed the evening.

Fran told some quite spooky tales too - of "foreign parts" (OK Edinburgh - but that's "foreign"!).

And was suitably attired for halloween....

And Tom, with his soft Orcadian voice (which I could listen to all night!) spun tales that took us through a range of emotions including wonder, and fear, to laughter and relief.

A bit of a shape shifter! Spooky Skeleton Hands!
And tricks to bewitch...... (ok it's a trick of the light from the heaters...but still!).

Then it was time for some supper and a blether (chat) with folk which went on into the wee small hours, with some well-dodgy games of Chinese Whispers, and laughter, and the odd wee dram.  Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the evening.  So we were very grateful to Tom and Fran for coming to Graemsay once again and we hope they will return again with lots more stories!

Friday 15 November 2013

After the calm.....

.... come the gales..... not that I should complain given the tradegy that has occurred in the Philippines! But we humans tend to be selfish and the last few days have been rather windy and chilly.  My central heating boiler broke down twice this week, but fortunately M&S (no not THAT M&S as in the department store with yummy food) but my neighbours (who also have yummy food, it has to be said) came and sorted it out for me, got it working, came back when it failed again, and have currently got some parts on order to be replaced once they arrive.  Meanwhile boiler keeps bumbling on and I am a happy bunny. They will both attest to the Grump I turn into when I am Cold..... (nothing compared to Button though!).  But I do have some electric heaters and can keep a couple of rooms nicely warm so it's not too bad..... but I do like my warmth......

Anyway, gales have been blowing most of the week and I have remained firmly hibernating (while working of course) indoors. Just venturing out to feed the hens and Charlie the Barn Cat before beating a hasty retreat.  Button has spent most of her time snoozing on her bed in the kitchen.

Aforementioned kitchen did get a little overheated this afternoon as I was baking some Scottish pancakes. I was experimenting with sizes....tiny to - er - a bit big.

So I didn't mind opening the door and sticking my head out to take a quick few sunset pictures - evidence herewith.  Though I did have trouble holding the camera steady!!  I think Button got in a bit of a panic as she thought I was about to throw her out. NO walks to the beach required today thankyouverymuch!  But I would never be that heartless - plus she'd get her own back.....

And it's set to be windy all weekend so a time for hunkering down, reading, doing some domestics, and a bit of baking too. Oh and more sleeping for Button....

Thursday 7 November 2013

Another sunny autumn day to treasure....

Button is ensuring I make the most of the bright sunny days of Autumn. She insisted I went for a walk with her - no really she DOES insist.  She keeps coming in and out the door, meowing and won't settle till I get my boots and coat on and set off into the garden or down to the shore.  Maybe she should have been a d.o.g. (don't tell her I said that...).  Though once we are out she is quite patient while I potter around taking pictures and enjoying the views.

I love the water ripples made by the water running off the land....

This sand was undercut by water, but I love the pattern here... It looks like a "Button"! She was inspecting it too - hence the paw prints....

I just love the sandy beach at Sandside....

As, indeed, does Button.... lots to watch....

And soft under the paws...

We decided to go for a walk to the shell beach too.... I had to scramble up the sand dunes first..... meanwhile Button leapt up them in two agile bounds - kicking sand in my face as she went! And then to add insult to injury stood at the top bemoaning my slowness as I gasped for breath after hauling myself up (the dunes aren't that high, I'm just not fit!).

And onto the shell beach, with the coral....

The Hoy Dragon is still sleeping....

And the sun still shines on Stromness....

Then back home for tea and toast and more work - for me at least!

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Dunkeld and Birnam (Perthshire).....

I mentioned a few posts ago about the lovely Wellyfest (wedding) I went to in Birnam. Well another friend and I stayed in the small town of Dunkeld, which was within walking distance, and had the added attraction of - um - cafes with cake!  Several were visited given how wet the weekend was - and that was in just one day!  Anyway here are some photos of the area.  I really loved it - I'd forgotten what a proper Autumn looked like with the trees changing colour. In Orkney they go from green to black with the wind, or get blasted off their branches while still green.  They rarely have the chance to go yellow, or orange, or russet..... so I was in heaven wandering around Dunkeld and then Birnam wood.....

There was a proper river. And given the rain all weekend it was a rushing, roaring river too. Quite magnificent.

The River Tay

With small islands (the mist is shrouding most of the landscape....)

And a bridge..... this was built by Thomas Telford in 1809, linking Dunkeld and Birnam

There were graceful sweeps in the river, tree lined of course

There were sneaky peaks of the river down little lanes, bordered by lovely whitewashed cottages

And glimpses of the town from walks along the river....

And from the bridge...

Hidden behind the white building at the end here is a lovely Cathedral, but there were two weddings there the day I was wandering around the town so I didn't get a close look.

And I mentioned cake..... first there was french toast and maple syrup in the wonderfully named "Spill the Beans" cafe.... delicious coffee too.... then after a wander round the town it was time to dry off in Palmerstons with the most delicious freshly cooked jammy donut...still warm.... oh yum....

And then more walking among trees.... BIG trees.....

And in Birnam, the Birnam Oak... It's apparently one of the oldest trees in the area, though unlikely to have been around when Shakespeare wrote Macbeth, and mentioned Birnam Wood.

And walking towards Birnam, something of a surprise... Peter Rabbit??? Beatrix Potter???!

Apparently Beatrix Potter was inspired to write tales of Peter Rabbit from her walks around the area on her visits. There wasn't time for ME  to walk round the garden as I was on my way to help set up for the wedding reception. I probably couldn't have found an "appropriate adult" to accompany me anyway ;-)

And then onto Birnam wood itself....sigh... such beauty..... (and that was just the bride - tee hee!).  The river rushing past minding it's own business....

So busy.....

And then the tranquillity of the centre of the Wellyfest......

Loved Dunkeld and Birnam.... hope to visit again one day, and maybe have tea with Mrs Tiggy-winkle, and hear more about Beatrix at the exhibition at the brilliant Birnam Arts Centre (where the Wellyfest reception was held, great place, wonderful staff - not phased by being asked "Where can I wash these banana leaves, please? or "Do you have a very large bucket or dustbin we could use for a floral display?").  Would be nice to see it in the sun next time....