
Saturday 2 November 2013

November in Orkney = Winter....

The clocks have gone back an hour and sunset was at 4.18 today!  Dark by five...sigh..... But I'm slowly getting in gear for Winter. Orkney has two seasons, summer and winter, and they are not always governed by months of the calendar either! Tee hee!

Today I filled the henny feed bins with extra food, made sure torches had new batteries, renewed batteries in the non-electric radio, and sorted through the freezer, making a list of "Things to Get" next week when I'm in town. The cupboard of "staples" is already well stocked with pasta, pulses, and of course, tea bags!

Time to wind down a bit, and snuggle in the evening on the sofa with Button, while watching some catch-up TV, listening to the radio and reading, of course. Reading is A Very Important Activity for me, particularly in the winter months.  And more baking...... lots of new recipes to try out.....  So winter strategies sorted......

Dark outside - time for a cuppa (tea) and putting my feet up for the evening I think.....


  1. Super photos, Sian. We're usually up in the far north at this time of year, watching the nights draw in fast, but even here in Mid-Wales it's getting dark remarkably early now. Your winter strategies sound very similar to mine, with the addition of knitting.

    1. Hope you are nice and snug indoors. I hear the wind was really bad last night for you.

    2. It was worst on the south-west coast, though quite breezy here too and SO wet!

    3. I heard that on Mumbles pier it was recorded at 89mph! I have many happy childhood memories of Mumbles and the pier so could well imagine it. It's the rain that has caught us by surprise too. Torrential rain after such a long dry spell. The ground was saturated, burns overflowing. And still it rains. Stay stafe and cosy!

  2. Winter here in Nova Scotia doesn't really settle in until later in December, but it lasts well into April. Autumn here is lovely and long while spring is wet and late. We jut moved our clocks back last night so I guess the sun will be down around 6ish. I am amazed at the shortness of your days in winter and the length of them in summer. That puts you on a par with places in our far north.

    Love the image of the cloudy hills.

    Stay warm and cozy with Button in your lovely island home.

    1. I think I'll stick with our climate and not exchange it for yours! Though I love seeing pictures and hearing about it....
