
Sunday 3 November 2013

Wet and windy Sunday....

There has been torrential rain overnight and reports around Orkney of flooded roads, fields, and even some houses. Ponies and sheep have had to be rescued from fields in one or two places.  Fortunately, apart from water under the back door (forced by the wind), I seem to be OK.  Haven't heard of any bad reports from Graemsay folk, though I've been no further than to feed the hens and Charlie the barn cat. Extra rations for both!

And indoors I have one very bored cat..... staring disconsolately out of the window, stomping around indoors meowing (I think I'm being held responsible, naturally)... and baleful looks from her day bed....

I keep telling her she's supposed to be a rufty tufty Orkney island cat and should be out braving the elements. Fortunately Google can't translate what she said - there were bound to be several swearwords in it....

Meanwhile I've amused myself with baking some bread  (a light herby loaf)

And some cookies....blueberry cookies..... blueberries are considered one of our "five a day" of fruit/veg.... hmmm I suspect the large quantity of butter and sugar negates any healthy benefits of THESE chaps!!

So hatches remained battened for the rest of the day.....

Note:  Sybil was commenting on how far North we are because of our short winter days and long summer ones. We are 59 degrees North, that's a wee bit further north than Juneau in Alaska,  and on a par with Stockholm.  But because of the Gulf Stream we get mild, wet and windy winters rather than very cold snowy ones....


  1. Oh dear, our horrible weather has reached you now, has it? I sympathise. That bread looks gorgeous as do the cookies. i bet your kitchen smells wonderful :-)

    1. One thing I love about baking is the whole house smells wonderful :-)

  2. Now there's a way I could get my five a day quite happily! Fay mentioned how wet it had been up with you chaps over the weekend too - hope it's stopped now!

    1. Hmmm I think the amount of sugar and butter probably wipe out any of the goodness of the fruit ;-) And no the wind and rain hasn't stopped...sigh...

  3. Let's hope that Gulf Stream never changes.

    Oh I bet the smell of baking bread smells marvellous ! I MUST learn how to bake.

    Do you ever just hold open the door and let Button see what's going on out there ?

    1. This loaf I made by hand, but I do often cheat and use a breadmaker. The smell of baking bread either way is wonderful. And yes I hold the door open for Button to "take the air" and she sits down quite happily viewing through the door. till I point out I am NOT going to let ALL the heat out for her pleasure! Though she IS quite hardy and will go out even in the worst of the weather for "the necessary".
