
Monday 28 April 2014

Lazy Sunday.... I wish!

It's been a busy Sunday but a lovely day nonetheless. I had to work this morning which wasn't too onerous as I woke to yet another foggy day. I think we've had fog for the last five or six days. SO bored with it now!
So...the day started like this....

and moved onto this.... (oh do take time to admire my willow trees - they have to put up with so much! Wind, salt, sand! They bravely withstand it all).

And then this....

And finally the sun came out. The hens knocked on the door to tell me to come out to play!  Can you spot the difference in the colour of the stone around the door? This is because from the time the house was built (about 1860) to about 1910 the house had an external stone staircase. Although it's long gone now the marks still remain on the house....

The lambs took some time for a snooze too.... it's busy being a lamb and bouncing around all the time....

In the afternoon after a wander round the island chatting to folk, and visiting Irene and Squeak up at Breckan, I went out to do some more work in the garden.  I'm not physically able to do much digging so progress is very slow. Just about a yard or two a day but progress IS being made!  This is part of the vegetable patch, ready soon for sowing of beans (broad and dwarf runner) and some salad leaves. I'm cutting back this year as I'm not really able to keep on top of the weeds and manage the garden AND keep everything safe from the hens.  Oh and not those stones are not dug up - they are used to weight down the netting I use to deter pesky hens....hee hee!

And the borders are coming to life again!  Cornflowers, crocosmia, lovage, columbines and Welsh poppies are already well advanced. The daffodils are still giving some lovely Spring colour too.

Here are some cowslips ready to flower.....

I'm not sure what this wee flower is, it's so delicate and pretty and is from some bulbs I planted in the Autumn....

And these are the leaves on the willow tree. This variety has lovely grey leaves. It's so pretty and grows very quickly. A bonus in Orkney!

And right outside the house under the sitting room window are some bluebells which have been here for many many years, long before I lived here.  They bloom every year.

And then this evening the sun had a final dance with the clouds disappearing for the night. Some back soon Sun!

I love this shot through the old roof....

And a spotlight for a pretty cloud!

Well a little sore from gardening but a lovely afternoon outdoors was well worth it!


  1. These are simply gorgeous photos, Sian, especially when viewed in Blogger's Lightbox. I'm sorry you've been plagued by fog for so long. Here there's been too much wind for that, though today has been wonderfully sunny and warm away from the cool breeze. It's not going to last though.

    I really envy you your walled garden, though I know for you it's a necessity, not a luxury. that soil looks very rich, so I hope your crops flourish and the hens leave them alone. :-) Can't help about the mystery flower, but it's very bonny.

  2. What a wonderful place you live in! It looks so pretty with the stone fences and the sheep and chickens wandering about. I enjoy your photos very much!

  3. I like your garden photos, the lambs and your hens, and your house made of stone. That exterior staircase must have been useful in the past.
