
Sunday 12 October 2014

A visit to the V.E.T......

Panic not, Dear Reader, Madam Button is fine. But a couple of weeks ago I noticed she appeared to have the early signs of a urine infection. My old cat, Fitzi, suffered from those on occasions so I recognised the symptoms and promptly got Button off to the vet. The lovely vet at NorthVet in Kirkwall gave her an antibotic and anti-inflammatory injections and within a couple of days she was back to normal.

But the journey to the vet is a little more traumatic for an isles cat than most city kitties, not least because there is a boat journey to consider.  Button can tolerate a car journey (although she swears at me the whole way), but she does not like the ferry ride.  I think it's a combination of the movement, noise and smell.

Our vet practice is excellent, understanding the challenges of getting pets to the vet when we live on the isles, so they found an early appointment that fitted in with our boats.

It has to be said on the morning of our visit Button returned from her overnight hunting expedition (ahem, not THAT much wrong with her then...), with a mouse, which she consumed for breakfast!  I did wonder WHY I was taking her to the vet, but I know from experience that it's necessary to catch these infections early, for all our sakes.

So into the box she goes.  NOT best pleased, and I was rather unkind, waking her up and unceremoniously dumping her in the box and whacking the lid shut. Though in that nano second between each, she woke up enough to put up a stiff resistance.

Anyway it was a beautiful sunny day with calm seas so the journey across wasn't too bad, the vet saw us promptly and we were back home again by mid-day.  Button, of course, getting a pouch of "gourmet" food for her troubles!

But it could have been MUCH worse - a few days later THIS was the sea we would have had to cross!

Photo by Irene of Breckan looking towards Hoy Low 

As I say Button has made a full recovery, and after some cake, so did I.


  1. I'm a new reader so although you probably have a post explaining how you arrived in Orkney, I haven't yet managed to find it! In 2008 you said you had been there 8 years; so was it was of those Millenium plans "let's just do it now" or do you have family ties going back in the past? Sorry to be so curious, it's just that beautiful as your surroundings are I suspect you made the move knowing just what problems could arise, but loved the place regardless, kind regards

    1. Thanks for your comments Treelover and welcome to Graemsay! I wrote in May last year (2013) on why I moved here so do take a look at those posts (four or five of them) and hopefully they answer your questions. But no, not well reasearched at all. A Millenium wish for adventure brought me here :-) NOT what I advise anyone else to do but it worked for me!

  2. I will look now, but I did guess the Millenium had something to do with it! I think that for those who were able to change their lives, that was the starting point. I knew of several people who used it as the stepping stone to new adventures.

  3. Quite amazing, having to go on a ferry to see the vet.

    1. Hmm yes Button is not impressed! Though she's done a bit of sailing in her time I think between islands as she was a rescue cat and went from foster home to foster home. Possibly partly why she frets on a boat now.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Bonnie. I always fret when she is unwell.

  5. It takes an Act of Congress to get my lot into the carriers, especially the white one, for a short, 10 minute drive to the vet. I've got three, so the first one into the carrier clues the other two and they become amazingly scarce and require me to ferret them out and chase them down. Since none of them can (or will) share a carrier, that's three carriers (one of which weighs 16 lbs because the cat weighs 15 lbs). By the time we get to the vet, we're hot, cross, and somewhat disheveled, and the cats aren't happy either! However, that 10 minute ride to the vet is mercifully brief when it's almost 100 F(37+C) out. I made a point of telling them just now that they should count their blessings, they could have to ride on a ferry like poor Miss Button, and got that look. You know the one. The "What are you nattering on about now?" look.

    1. Oh my goodness that a lot of "cat"! My old Fitzi used to be a "heavyweight". Button weighs about 5 kilos which is better but still heavy - especially when she throws herself around! And stressful for your kitties too in that heat!! Not to mention you humans.....

  6. Poor Button and poor Sian. It was bad enough getting any of our cats into the carrier for the 6 mile drive to the vet's. What they would have made of a ferry ride I shudder to think!
