
Monday 13 October 2014


Sunrise is getting later now we are in October, today it was at 7.45 am.... I love the reflection of the sun across the Hoy Hills.

Meanwhile Sunset is getting earlier , today it will be about 18.13 - though obviously the weather makes a difference to the amount of daylight - dark cloud and it's gloomy all day.

We had a couple of days last week with severe gales. I was prepared and had moved anything that might fly around into the shed (including one of the benches). Other things were battened down.  Unfortunately I was ready for the gale a couple of weeks ago which "got" my fruit cage.  I've dismantled it now and I think it will be OK next Spring, with some new netting.

Some days are full of grey skies, and others full of sunshine and fluffy clouds (I like days like those!).

Some flowers in the garden were sheltered enough to withstand the gales. These dwarf sweet peas are still flowering their hearts out!

So pretty and with the perfume of summer.

But the old elder tree got blasted in the wind.  We don't get a proper autumn in Orkney where the leaves turn brown and drop to the ground.  Usually a gale comes along first and blasts them black and off the trees. I marvel at autumn colour when I got "south".

But as well as rough weather and high winds, we've had calm days..... This photo was taken from the Graemsay pier looking towards Stromness.

And this one with Hoy HIgh lighthouse in it. The Yellow Triangle is where our electricity power supply cable comes ashore.

And here is our ferry coming out to the island.

And here she is in Stromness harbour at high tide.  I love high tide in the harbour (not least as there are fewer steps to walk up or down to the boat!).


  1. Beautiful photos - I am travelling with you from my armchair! Andrina

    1. Most comfortable place to travel in - especially with a gale blowing outside at the moment....again....

  2. I was thinking this morning how dark the mornings are, it doesn't make getting out of bed easy!

    1. Oooh I do so struggle in the mornings!! I most defininately am NOT a morning person - particularly when it is DARK!

  3. Such beauty, a truly beautiful place to live despite the gales.

    1. Oh yes - despite the gales! I love it. Actually even in some of the bad weather it's still beautiful..... just a bit scary at times!

  4. Since you are at a much higher latitude than we are here in the US (same latitude as Casablanca Morocco) your seasonal day length varies a good deal more than ours does. Today, sunrise was at 7:52 and sunset was at 19:15. Our daytime temps have been in the high 70'sF/25+C to low 80'sF/28+C. We have not had a hard freeze as yet, although night before last, it snuck down to 34F/1.1C. Generally, our nighttime temps are in the high 40'sF/7+C to low 50sF/11+C. The trees are still quite green here, though, as is the grass (the kind we have here dies in the winter). This part of the world is right windy at times, and we had wind gusts to 50 mph/80 kph the other day when we had a front come through.

    1. Oh yes much milder climes than we are. I forget in the summer here how windy it gets in winter..... but I'm certainly being reminded of it now.
