
Sunday 19 October 2014

Sunshine walk and scones.....

Looking towards Stromness

I made the most of the lovely weather we had for part of this week to have a wander around the island and thought I'd share some photos with you.....

Above is a photo taken from the top of Graemsay (which isn't very high! At it's highest point I think it's only 65 feet high!)

At the top of the hill are the ruined croft houses of Dean. They have stunning views of the Hoy Hills which are silhouetted behind them.

And a signpost so folk can't get lost, left to the point of Oxan and straight on for the ferry!

The old school with the "Cott of School" behind.  The island children went to this school until 1996 when the island got a daily ferry service and new boat. Now the children cross each day to the primary school in Stromness.

And back down the hill towards Sandside

The Hamnavoe ferry setting sail for Scrabster on the Scottish Mainland, as it sails past the Hoy Low lighthouse.

While earlier in the day local farmers had been shipping sheep off the island. These are this year's lambs and will be sent as "store lambs" to continue grazing to fatten them up for market.

And now back on our usual walk to the coral beach with Madam Button.... She's looking rather alert. This is because she can hear children!  Very wary of children is Button. Wise cat!  In the  distance you can see some them playing on the beach. A paradise for for them!

The children seemed to be enjoying themselves so we left them to it.

Instead we set off down the old "lighthouse" pier....

Onto the coral beach, looking towards the wee town of Stromness.

The old farm buildings looking as though they will fall onto the shore with the next puff of wind! (They're a bit more secure than that...for now).

And a beautiful natural swimming pool here - even if the water is a wee bit chilly!

I love the shore, that liminal space between land and sea......

Come on Button I want to go home for tea!

Even the sun is beginning to set ........

Slipping behind the Hoy Hills....

Time to go home for warm scones......

Hope you enjoyed your wander around our wee island.


  1. So beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Joyce (across the pond and in the mitten)

    1. Thanks for taking time to comment Joyce. :-)

  2. Lovely views - and so much sky! Thank you, Andrina

    1. Oh yes I LOVE the big skies here - makes up for fewer trees :-)

  3. What a beautiful place to live such beautiful views, thank you for sharing and those scones look delicious.

    1. Oh yes it's a stunning place to live. I am so lucky. And the scones were yummy, though I say so myself. But you can't beat warm home made scones :-) Even imperfect ones!

  4. Replies
    1. Glad you enjoyed your w ander round Graemsay :-)

  5. Thanks for the lovely walk. Happy to see Her Highness deigned it worth her while to join you!

    1. If she sees me heading for the beach she loves to come along.... any other direction she's not so interested

  6. Button seems very dog-like. Oh I hope she understands that I mean that in the nicest way ...

    1. She's really quite like a dog sometimes! If she sees me putting my coat and boots on at the front door she comes trotting to join me. If I want a longer walk where I don't want her to come (in case we invade another cat territory) I have to sneak out the back door! LOL!

  7. What a beautiful day for a walk , and i'd like to taste the scones ;)

    1. Wish you could have been here to share in both :-)

  8. I was thinking the same thing a Sybil. It is so great the way she walks with you. She looks like she is surveying her 'kingdom' in the one shot. I just love to see the photos of your beautiful island. Thanks again for sharing them.

    1. Hee hee - yes it's most defintely HER kingdom. I love it when she trots behind me. Though I do often have to stop and wait while she has a sniff at something. But if I head off to far without her she meows loudly, complaining. Basically she's very nosey and doesn't want to miss out on anything.

  9. You saw a lot of beauty on your walk, and I like the lambs too. Imagine children going to school by ferry. I imagine that depends on the weather allowing. Button is a pretty girl.

    1. I'll pass on your comment to Button. She'll puff herself up with pride ;-) Yes the children have to get used to rough seas in winter. But they long for the severe gales when they get an extra day off from school! Though the parents often make them do some school work at home then too.

  10. Gorgeous photos which reminded me of my visit to Graemsay. :) I think it must be a wonderful place for children to grow up - so much freedom to roam and play.
