
Wednesday 31 December 2014

Hogmanay 2014.....

Hogmanay is the word in Scotland for the last day of the year, and heralds celebrations of the New Year that continues for some days!  We even get TWO days of public holiday to celebrate and recover!

This year I am having a particularly quiet one. I'm still lacking in energy and not bouncing around after the various recent infections so have decided to stay in the warm tonight. I also want to avoid any other "bugs" that are currently circulating.  Others on the island will head off to gather for midnight and some partying.  But I'll be tucked up in bed, with a book, a cup of tea, and listening to "golden oldies" on the radio. Possibly with Button....though lately she's chosen to snoozing on the sofa overnight, the cheek of it!

The weather is mild, though a little breezy and set to remain the same over the first few days of 2015. The sunsets have been a bit disappointing the last couple of days but at least there WAS a red sky tonight.

And I seem to have acquired some "garden ornaments" - five sheep who like the shelter of the garden dyke!  (Well they do say "Red sky at night - shepherd's delight!") These are escapees from a neighbouring farm.  Hopefully once the New Year celebrations are done they will be returned to their field.

So we come to the end of another year.  It's been a pretty good year for me overall.  I started the year with the threat of redundancy hanging over me and at least I now know I have a job for the next two to three years so some security at least.  And that alone makes me feel positive about all sorts of things!

I've not blogged as much this year (the least number of blogs since I started!), but be assured this is due to lack of time and energy NOT lack of enthusiasm!  So I plan to continue next year and try and have a few more posts per month too...but I'll make no promises....and I certainly make no resolutions!

So it remains for me to wish you all the very best for 2015!


  1. Glad the job is secure ... for the next few years.

    Here we say:"Red sky at night, sailor's delight --red sky at morning, sailor's take warning".

    Please do keep up with the blogging. I love hearing about life on your special lil' island.

    Happy New Year from "over the pond"... Sybil

    1. Hmmm maybe the sailors here say the same! But for the farmers it's more about shepherds.... Glad you still hearing about the island.... I wonder at times if it's just too repetitive but life always settles into a pattern....

  2. Happy New Year/Hogmanay Sian. I always enjoy your posts, especially your walks along the shore & the ones where Button deigns to make an appearance.Good luck for the year to come & here's to more time for blogging!

    1. Oh yes more time blogging would be lovely. Button shows some signs of being a dog I think! On New Year's Day she was getting quite impatient standing at the door while I put on layers against the cold. She meowed demandingly several times. OK for her - she has a permanent fur coat and fur paws! LOL!

  3. I look forward to more blog posts :) Happy New Year!!!

    1. Thank You :-) Hope you had a good start to the new year...

  4. And a very happy, healthy, and prosperous year ahead for you. Thank you for your posts!

  5. I do not make resolutions either Sian. I really enjoy all that you share on your blog, especially your walks with Button. Glad that you are on the mend and wishing you a wonderful year ahead.

  6. Wishing you a Happy and Fulfilled Gregorian New Year.

  7. Happy New Year from a reader in Minnesota. I enjoy your posts and beautiful photos. Skål!

    1. Oooh sending Happy New Year greetings across the Ocean to you :-) Thanks for taking time to comment :-)

  8. Happy new year to you, too, Sian! We avidly read your posts, so will look forward to more in 2015. No pressure, though!
    Louise & Jeff

    1. Ha! Well the spirit is willing and all that! Hope you had a lovely start to 2015.

  9. Happy new year to you and Button.
    This is the first time I think you show that side of your neighborhood with the old houses. It looks very interesting.

    1. I hope you had a peaceful New Year. I sometimes post photos of the buildings around Graemsay but often in winter I stay close to home! I must make more of an effort this year though :-)

  10. Happy New Year to you, your island looks so enchanting! reminds me of our Mackinac or Drummand island here, no motor vehicles allowed, although there are shops, hotels, historical sights, love the stone cottages and fences, have a great year! Celeste, also:

    1. We have some vehicles here, but with only a few short miles of tarmac road they are outnumbered by tractors probably!

      Thanks for stopping to comment :-)

  11. Happy New Year, Sian, and I hope it proves a healthy one too. So glad the job is secure for some time to come. I wouldn't worry about fewer posts either. You've managed more in this year than I have ever done in a single year. : )

  12. Thank you, Sian, for sharing your island. I fell in love with Scotland when I visited once from Pennsylvania. I didn't make it to northern Scotland and the Orkneys, though they beckoned me! Your blog is well-written, the photos are wonderful. It inspires me to think about writing again. Again, thanks.
