
Saturday 3 January 2015

New Year Walk

It was lovely and still on New Year's day with just a slight breeze so Button and I spent about an hour mooching around along the shore. Not going far as there were showers of rain around but just enjoying being outdoors.

For Button there was some added excitement of sheep on the beach!  These were the ones that had been living in my garden (now safely corralled in a neighbour's field!).

This is Button's version of going "on point" like a hunting dog.....

And then curiosity gets the better of her and she starts stalking towards them....

But let's not get too bold - hiding behind a rock but keeping a careful eye on the sheep!

While the sheep kept a close eye on US!

Once everyone was happy with who was where I took some time to look around and take some photos....

Here is some of the maerl (cold water coral) that is all along the shore. Usually this beach is stark white with bleached coral, but due to the winter storms stirring up the beds just off Graemsay much newer coral is being washed up. It's very pretty and I must collect some.

It's giving a lovely pinkish tinge to the beach

And I love the variety of rocks, especially the ones with multiple bands....

And seaweed clinging to the stones....

And these are either shags or cormorants - either way they must have cold feet!

And Stromness in the distance.....

While closer to home, our wee community hall, and in the distance the old school. Both dwarfed by Ward hill which is on the neighbouring island of Hoy.

The light at Hoy High lighthouse....

And back to the old pier with Button just checking out where the sheep might be....

But since then the wind has increased and hail showers arrived.  Today Button is in her basket at my feet snoring away while I write this.  Oh to be a well-cared-for cat.....


  1. What a wonderful walk, stunning views and a beautiful beach despite the weather.

    1. I love walking round the island even on very grey days. The scenery is stunning!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Janice and thanks for taking time to comment :-)

  3. Button sure has a good life.

    Do people climb / drive up Ward HIll ?

    1. You can walk up it (no road). It's not that difficult as long as you have strong legs and lungs (rules me out then!). It's thick heather and scree so you need to be "robust". But there used to be a midsummer party on the top in days gone by. I'd need a pony or quad bike to get ME up there. LOL!

  4. Looks so bleak but beautiful, I had 2 cats who used to go for a walk with me and the dog. It looked so funny with 3 of us all walking along.

    1. I think cats often go for walks - maybe not very long ones outside their own territory but I've known others to do it. And yes it's bleak at the moment but as you say beautiful.

  5. The maerl looks great.
    I've never seen it on the Dutch coast.
    Do you know where it comes from?
    I search it on.

    1. There are maerl beds just off the island on the sea bed. As the maerl dies off it gets washed ashore - though usually it's in the sea a while longer (on the sea bed) and gets bleached white. It's a cold water coral. There are other beds around Orkney. Not sure where else they are. Hope you find some near you!

  6. Glad you managed to get out and about over New Year, as it sounds like you'll be battening down the hatches again later this week.

    1. Hatches battened!! Hope you are OK too as you'll get lots of wind and rain from the storm!
