
Friday 12 December 2014

Memory of winter sun.....

The sun hunkers down between the Hoy hills at this time of year..... Ohh look at the stillness of the water......

An Oystercatcher and some waders making the most of the change in tide to feed.

A wee boat on the way into Stromness

All quiet in the harbour at Stromness

On the shell beach the sea was like a mirror

And looking out to the entrance to Scapa Flow ......

Button hunting again... spot the seal in the background.... BEHIND YOU! Button!

A walk past the old sail shed....

And then time to walk back to the house.... the hens ready to greet us.... Tallulah, my Shetland Black hen looking rather fine.

And a young cockerel and hen resting their legs by roosting on a branch!

And of course, we're not long home with the kettle hardly boiled and Button is having a nap again!


  1. A great stroll, I really enjoyed strolling along with you.

  2. Doe Button walk with you? We once had 3 cats who would come out for an hour's walk. They did this from when they were tiny wee and had to come home in a coat pocket. Our neighbours (all farmers) thought we were mad.

    1. Oh yes she often walks with me down to the shore. Sometimes she gets bored if I hang around taking photos and goes off hunting! But usually she comes with me for most of the walk before wandering off on her own. And yes my farming neighbours think I'm bonkers and should get a dog!

  3. Lovely photos, looks lovely and calm

    1. Thanks. Yes it was lovely and calm - a nice respite from the gales.

  4. I love all the pictures, Sian. The one of sleepy Button is so cute. I had a cat named Roger a long time ago, and Button reminds me of her, yes her. My daughter named her after someone in Duran Duran, (I think), before we found out Roger was a she.

    1. Hahaha! Cats don't seem to care what they are called. They rarely answer to their names anyway. Though Button does when it suits her...

  5. I love your walks with Button and hope you've been able to take them again now the storm has passed.

    1. Yes had a few walks these last few days with respite from the gales!
