
Saturday 13 December 2014

Winter time....

Brrrr... it's snowing today, though it melts as soon as it settles.  0 degrees C on the thermometer.  But it's CALM!  No WIND!  Though the wind is due to get up to gale force later tonight.  But for now I shall revel in the silence.

Snow on Ward Hill, Hoy

Button was delighted to go out on a short hunting spree this morning but wasn't out long.  I think she muttered something about "cold paws" when she came back in!

Hoy Hills at 8am with the moon in the sky and the sun about to rise

It's the shortest day in just over a week. Whoooo hoo!!!  I shall be celebrating!  I don't celebrate Christmas but do celebrate the time as a mid-winter festival.  Though it's not exactly "mid-winter" as winter is from December through to February, and frankly our worst weather in Orkney tends to be after New Year. But it's a time for feasting and raising a glass of something warming.

I choose to stay home at this time of year.  Trust me - Winter is no time to try travelling around the UK!  Been there, done that, waited on cold platforms for delayed trains, slept in airport lounges for cancelled flights, and lain prostrate on the deck of a ship being thrown around in the gale.  Now I stay home, snug, warm and enjoy a respite from work and enjoy the season.

On Graemsay there will be the Christmas Party on Friday and maybe a Carol Service on Christmas Eve.

Meanwhile the Circle of Friendship continues to protect the light.....


  1. I'm so enjoying your writing! Happy solstice to you and yours!

    1. Thank you! And thanks for taking time to comment :-)

  2. Brrr! That looks cold. if beautiful. We had black ice today, but also blue skies and no wind. However the forecast for tomorrow is dire - rain and more rain. Have a wonderful midwinter celebration and here's to those soon-to-be-lengthening days!

    1. Thanks Perpetua - hope you had a lovely Christmas time

  3. You have a great blog with lovely photos. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you for your kind comments! Glad you enjoy my blog :-)

  4. I agree about Christmas travel- it's enough for me not going in to our local market town!

  5. We rarely get snow all the way down here in Cornwall so I enjoy seeing photos, it looks wonderful on the hill.

    Happy Solstice, I will be out welcoming the return of the sun.

    1. We don't often get much snow in Orkney and if we do it doesn't stay long - something to do with the Gulf Stream. Our winters are usually wet and windy, so I quite like the odd bit of snow!
