
Monday 16 February 2015

A walk in the sunshine

Last Weds was just glorious with warmth in the sunshine. Button and I took a walk along the shore..... The waves gently lapped on the coral sand....

It was lunch time so the Graemsay ferry had been to the island and onto Hoy and was heading back to Stromness.

Button was happy to be out in the sunshine after several weeks of inactivity due to gales and rain

The shore was covered in tangles (seaweed), heaped up by the winter storms. This beach doesn't  get too much flotsam and jetsam washed up but the other side of the island has suffered terribly I believe.

Ahem, yes of course Button is posing...

Stromness was looking lovely too.

But the storms have reduced more of this old building to rubble.

The waves looks so benign in this photo but their power can never be underestimated.

The hens were enjoying the calm day and were rootling among the old buildings

On our way back from the walk. Button trotting home.  The lighthouse in the background (obviously!) and the "Green Box" which is the Graemsay Telephone Exchange complete with microwave link to Stromness. We have fast broadband - but I just hope it's not frying my brain at the same time!

And of course Button made the most of the warmth with a spot of sun bathing on the flags while I headed in for a cup of tea!


  1. Beautiful! The scenery and of course, Button.

    1. I'm glad you mentioned Button. She would be affronted otherwise ;-)

  2. Lovely photos, Sian and all the blue is gorgeous. It looks so springlike, but I'm not letting my guard down just yet...

    1. Hmm now we have returned to Winter at the moment but Spring will strike back soon I know!

  3. funny Button !
    spring is already looking around the corner, even Button enjoys the sun.
    Spring promised for you more beautiful walks en for us more beautiful photo's.

    1. Glad you enjoy the photos! Yes Button is a great companion :-)

  4. If you'd heard about the appalling weather we're having you'd know why I want you to adopt me and let me live with you on your small island ... ;-)

    1. I have a spare room!! I'll make up the bed ;-) I do feel for you. Really I do...sigh.

  5. Great to see your island in the sunshine - loving the waves too! My dog, Tilly, and I have enjoyed some lovely walks in the warmer weather we have had over the past few days. Do come and visit my blog and see some East Lothian sunshine and coastline! Love your blog!

    1. ooh you have some lovely photos and scenery too. I've added you to my blogroll. Though I'm not very good at keeping up or commenting at the moment. Just too weary from too much work! But thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  6. I do love your cat.

    1. Haha she is good company. And good entertainment value too :-)

  7. What a beautiful part of the world you live in. I am your newest follower.

    Gill in Canada

    1. Welcome Gill! And thanks for taking the time to comment. Hope the Winter isn't too severe with you as I gather it's particularly bad in most parts of Canada this year.

  8. Lovely walk, and such blue skies!

    1. I know I just love the blue skies and seas...:-) Makes a change from much of the grey skies of winter ....
