
Sunday 15 February 2015


OK I'm being a little optimistic thinking Spring is here, but it is definitely on the way!  The days are getting longer, the grass is beginning to grow, and the garden is starting to come to life again.  Last Weds was a glorious day, warmth in the sun, no wind. Wonderful! Of course I am now typing this while the wind roars outside the house.  But still - it was daylight till almost 5.30 today! Anyway here are a few photos from the last week or so.

The photo above was taken of Sandside by Mick down at the lighthouse. It was a gorgeous eerie pink sunset. I took a couple of photos (below) but was feeling unwell and didn't venture far from the front door, but Mick's photo really captures it well.

Some green shoots in the garden.... some of the daffodils poking their heads up

The dwarf narcissi are out in bloom under the willow trees which are hardly showing any buds as yet!

More bulbs poking their heads up.  Button has to be in the photo too of course.  She thinks it adds perspective...hmmmm.

The crocosmia is coming along too. I leave the dead leaves on till later in Spring as it gives some protection to the young shoots.

And down by the shore, the grass that has been wind, sand and salt blasted is coming back to life too.

However the garden hebes are not doing so well. They got chomped upon by the escaped sheep that were in the garden. Clearly they like the taste of hebe.  Not sure if they will recover or not - the hebe that is. The sheep seem fine!

And were the pesky sheep to deny it - hee hee - they left quite a bit of "DNA" behind should Inspector Lewis come a-calling...

While out taking the photos I felt as though I was in a scene from the Hitchcock movie "The Birds" as the starlings were all hanging around on the roof of the house!  Probably just tormenting Button though!

But birds are returning again so Spring MUST be on the way - skylarks have been heard, there are more Oystercatchers around too (some overwinter here but there are definitely more about). Lapwings are calling - I love their sound.  Slowly we move to my favourite time of the year - Spring! OK not for some weeks yet. But she's calling to me :-)


  1. Hmmm... that is a cloud in the sky in that last photo, isn't it? Wasn't sure if the Starlings on the chimney were having a crafty fag!

    1. Ha let's hope not. This is a Smoke Free Zone!! And it shouldn't be the chimney either given it's been blocked up...... so yes just a passing cloud....

  2. It is always fascinating to see how your spring is ahead of ours, despite the winds and the more northerly climes. No daffs of any size out here yet, thought the snowdrops are looking very pretty.
    HOPE this comment goes through - I have real problems getting past the Blogger bouncers - have often commented on your posts to no avail!

    1. I have a similar problem commenting on YOUR posts DB! So glad this one "stuck". We had some slushy sleety rain today, but no snow this year. Unlike yourselves! Must say I'd love some snow for a day or two.... just love the crispness. It's SO wet here. Apparently the wettest Winter in Orkney in 40 years...

  3. Beautiful skies, I have never seen that beautiful colour in the sky before, stunning.

    1. We get beautiful blue skies here. And the sea can be turquoise too.

  4. Oh this is so cruel. You live so much farther North and yet you have a much kinder climate. Buds showing. Grass growing. We may see buds in warm protected corners near foundations in early April and as for GROWING grass ? Late May. The older I get the less I like Canadian Winters and we are having a very bad one this year.

    So enjoy that sunshine and sniff that moist lovely soil and think of me, hunkered down as yet another storm rages outside.

    Sigh ...

    BTW haven't heard of the herb, "Hebe" ... does it have any other names ?

    1. Oh I DO feel for you. Have been watching weather reports and your winters certainly seem more severe and longer than ours! You've had a particularly bad one too this year. I wish you Spring soon.

  5. It's so nice to see signs of spring as I sit here listening to the wind and see mounds of snow surrounding the house.

    1. If it makes you feel better we have a wind lashing sleety rain at the windows today....sigh... Spring...did I mention Spring?

  6. I agree with DB - spring is much earlier with you. Here the daffs are showing through, but still not out for Dewi Sant. Instead we have a yellow warning for snow and ice. Sigh... What you call crocosmia, I know as montbretia and I too love the way the new shoots poke so hopefully through last year's debris.
