
Monday 22 June 2015

First chick of the year!

Actually these pictures were taken last week, hence the bit of sunlight!  Still grey skies today but at least the rain has stopped.

"Mum, Mum, I'm hungry!"

"Well come along dear, there's plenty of food on the floor here, some grain for me, and some oatmeal for you".

"Tuck in, like this, but be quick about it before the other hens arrive. They are greedy girls and will gobble it all up and let you go hungry!"

"Mum, I seem to be wearing my dinner? I think that human who comes to feed us doesn't have a very good aim!"

"OOoh Mum, there's lots of food here for us both!"

"That's right dear, she's not a bad human, she gives us lots of food and water. But beware, she steals our eggs!"

"Mum, what's an egg?"

"It's what you hatched out of ,dear."

"Mum, what came first...a chicken or an egg...?"


  1. This is the life that chickens and chicks should have and not living in some gawd awful factory farm. And I bet the eggs taste so good.

    1. Yes the eggs are delicious! I don't eat many though I do use them for baking. And of course share with friends and neighbours :-)

  2. Haha, love the chicken and egg bit!! There is something so rewarding seeing a new chick peeking for food.

    1. It's amazing how quickly they learn to copy the hen. They can manage for a day or two as they still have nourishment from the egg but after that they must eat themselves!

  3. Made me smile, beautiful photos.

  4. And here I was hoping that you had the answer to the chicken/egg question. What a sweet little chick. Talking at such an early age too. I'm impressed. Is there just the one wee one?

    1. Haha no answers here. As to one chick - it's Sian's single chick policy. One year I was over-run with them (35) so now I take eggs away and just leave one which I mark with an X. A broody hen can hatch one if she is determined!
