
Sunday 21 June 2015

Summer Solstice..... who stole the sun???!

Bah!  Longest day today and NO sign of the sun. Rain all day and fog, so no flights in or out of Orkney.  Not that I needed to travel anywhere, but I know folk who did.  Anyway here are some photos for a couple of weeks ago when there WAS sunshine!!  Above - a sunset...sigh...

Look....almost no cloud.....sigh.....

And the sun shone during the day too.... Blue Sky!  You can see some heifers at the edge of the field, chewing the cud...enjoying sunshine on their backs.  Not my cattle, the field is let out on a summer grazing let to a neighbour. I just watch them - and count them to make sure none have escaped or are unwell.

Here come the girls!

And my totally free range hens, taking a walk along the "main road" on the island....

They enjoy the sunshine too.....

And here is our stand-in boat. Our regular ferry is off on an extended refit, having two new engines put in. There were extra delays as some components hadn't arrived (long story, won't bore you). This is a Clyde Cruiser (as in the River Clyde in Glasgow).  It's actually rather a jolly boat to be on - in calm weather....

Unfortunately it's not as powerful as our regular ferry, nor can it carry cargo, so we have had another boat deliver cargo once a week.

This vessel, the Chieftan, needs a gangway to access to the top deck which can be a bit hair-raising at very low tide! Bit of a steep walk down to the deck!  And then you have to go downstairs to the inside cabin. So not the most accessible vessel for the island. But it's made all the scheduled runs to Graemsay so folk are at least able to get on and off the island.

At the head of the pier are fulmars nesting

They are really acrobatic birds in flight and I love watching them. Though I don't get too near - they have a gland at the top of their beaks and can hurl foul smelling oily/fishy gunge at any one who threatens them!

Button had a traumatic day last week. I needed to put the de-wormer and de-flea treatment on her. Vet suggested a new treatment, but when I opened it up I realised it was a syringe. So I needed three hands, one to hold cat, one to part fur on back of neck and one to plunge syringe plunger thingy. First one I got all over me, 2nd one I at least got SOME on Button...sigh... I'll go back to the old treatment next time I think.    Anyway she was quite traumatised by it all (um she IS a drama queen!). So needed to have a good long sleep afterwards....

And she couldn't wait for dinner!  So not much wrong with HER then. Ha!

Button enjoys the summer days.  Though I think the lack of darkness at night confuses her!  One of her favourite places is in the long grass by the willow trees.  I think she thinks she's invisible! Um.... black and white isn't much of a camouflage!

I suspect you can see her from the moon....sigh...

Well I hope you all had a good Summer Solstice, or if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, a good Winter Solstice.  Can we keep the sun for a wee bit longer please? We really haven't had our fair share of it yet!


  1. Here on the East coast of England we have hardly had any at all, I am hoping that we will see a lit bit of summer it is still feeling a little like the winter months.

    1. Sorry you aren't getting summer either...sigh... just a bit of warmth would be nice!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! Hope it is warmer with you than with us!

  3. Here in the Nederlands also saw no sun.
    Today a lot of rain and totally gray sky and very cold.
    I always smile about Button. Today she is my point of light.

    1. Button is very honoured to be your point of light today, she said as she snored in her basket..... but yes she lights up my day too!

  4. I love that first picture of the sunset- so beautiful. Does it feel strange not having darkness at night? I would find it very odd. I suppose it's what you're used to. Hope Button's next de-flea, de-worm is more successful. Ted and Pops have a chewable wormer which is so easy in comparison to the old style pills :o)

    1. It does get a bit disorientating with the long light evenings. It's easy to lose track of time and end up going to bed too late (for me!). But I love the light evenings, and frankly I can sleep almost anytime so it's not a problem for me. Though I do have blackout blinds on my window.

      Button is very good at sussing out any attempt at "medication" and avoiding it so the "spot on" works just fine. Well it did using the old method....ah well at least *I* will be free of fleas and worms for the time being. Ha!

  5. Ah, poor Buttons, drama queen or not. Your weather has been just like ours. We have had lots of rain for the last two days. Missing the sun as you are.

    1. It rained ALL DAY yesterday. Today it has been dry but mostly grey leaden skies. Bits of blue appearing tonight. But not much! And it's still chilly!

  6. We have just come back from a week on Orkney (in Stromness and about) and a week on Shetland. I waved to you! We almost went over to Graemsay but then didn't (it might have felt a bit like stalking you). Anyway, everything was so lovely.

    1. Oh you should have come over for a cup of tea!! I really enjoy meeting visitors and even if I'm working I can always stop for a cuppa :-) But I know what you mean - I'm often hesitant if I'm visiting somewhere and I know someone through blogging or facebook. Though usually folk are quite happy to meet up!
