
Monday 18 July 2016

Home again....

Had a lovely time away meeting up with friends and family. Unfortunately got food poisoning while away and have returned home with a cough and cold. Sigh. However Button was well catered for by the "relief staff" in my absence who also seemed to have a good week in Orkney (I had friends come and stay while I was away).

No photos of trip South as it was mainly about being sociable and visiting folk.  However - above are lavender fields in Kent.  You could roll around in the lavender.  Oooh bliss!  And I bought some culinary lavender and essence so hoping to make lavender shortbread etc.....

And below - a wee damsel fly (magnified!).  This is a blue-tailed damsel. Several darting about on Big Sis's pond in Guernsey.  We have them in Orkney but you have to be more alert to see them and know where to look!

Once I regain some energy normal service will be resumed....


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks it was fun! Though clearly not good for my health as I've been unwell since getting home, sigh

  2. From your posts you had a wonderful time away from your Island. I bet Buttons was so glad to see you.

    1. It was fun meeting up with friends and family again. And Button was well catered for. Fortunately she's a fairly robust cat and welcomed me home without any sulking!

  3. Hope you feel better soon. Oh I can almost smell that lavender.

  4. By now you must be up and about, Sian, hopefully. Sometimes we need to travel only to make social calls. Friends and family is important. That lavenderfield...oh that lavenderfield!!! One of my friends bake the most delightful lavendercrackers, a crunchy shortbreadish cookie. Do you let the shortbread dry up in the oven for some hours or are they shortbreadish all the way??? How does that cat of yours respond to lavender? Our dog hated the smell!!

    1. Ha still struggling with a chest infection, but medication kicking in now so on the mend. Just NO energy. Send energy! And cake ;-) Will let you know how the lavender shortbread goes.

      Button doesn't seem fussed by the smell of lavender as I burn it in an infuser. We'll see once I start baking with it! She goes bonkers when I use any spices or herbs. Rolling on the floor mewing as if it were catnip. Very funny to watch. I have to make sure I wash my hands before I stroke her or I'd not have any skin left. LOL!

    2. Haha!! Angry cats get scratched skin, they say, that goes for the poor owners of the angry cats, I suppose!! I'll send energy, YOU bake cake!!
      And then send me the recipe!!!
