
Sunday 24 July 2016

Who stole my energy!

Bah!  Clearly my immune system has taken a battering, what with the food poisoning while away, then a cold has turned into a chest infection. So I'm proper poorly though recovering now!  Chest infection wasn't too severe but as I have reduced lung function due to a scoliosis and asthma, even a cold is a threat.  My breathing is a lot better now the medication has kicked in, just need to find some energy! But, I'm taking it as my body's way of saying REST so I'm trying to!  Anyway here are a few photos taken during July to keep you entertained!  Above is a sunset shot of Sandside Bay, Hoy High ligthhouse, and Sandside (my hoose!).

This was taken from up the West end of Graemsay looking towards Stromness with the MV Graemsay ferry setting off for Hoy.

And the black specs are coos (cattle) up on the hill at Western Horn.

And though we've had a pretty settled summer, we've had our share of cloud and mist.... but the island retains her beauty whatever the weather :-)


  1. You are having a rough time getting better. Sometimes you just have to stop and listen to your body, and if it says 'rest' then that's exactly what you have to do. It's hard, but necessary. I truly hope you will feel better soon, and that the meds do a proper job.

  2. What a nasty way to end your holiday. Hope your recovery is quick.

  3. Wishing you a speedy recovery ... rest is nature's way of telling you what to do:)

  4. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  5. Here in Nova Scotia we're having an awful heat wave. I'm not used to this heat. 29C today but with the humidex factored in it feels like 35C.

    As you know, I love your lil' island

    Hope you're feeling better right quick.
