
Thursday 29 September 2016

Grrrrrr! Blogger stole all my links!

Seemingly Google Blogger has changed some techno stuff and now I have lost ALL the links to the blogs I like to read.  I will have to start from scratch.  Sigh..... VERY Grumpy on Graemsay.....

Not been my techno week.  My email was playing up earlier in the week (provider problem they said. Well it was MY problem too!!). Broadband was playing up just when I needed to submit some work. Then my external keyboard died. Add to that my TV digibox managed to wipe all the recordings. Gone were my "cosy sofa day" recordings such as Morse, Lewis, Wycliffe and lots of lovely interesting documentaries. And now this..... sobs quietly.....

Ah well I have the technology (pah!) I will rebuild it to misquote Billion Dollar Man.....

I'll begin with the Orkney list.......


  1. You're still on my list...

    Sorry, just read that back and it sounds a bit stalker-ish :o(
    I hope your techno troubles soon resolve themselves.

    1. Apparently Google are working on the problem (they created). Might take a few days. If they don't resolve it I will have to re-add everyone....grrr. And WHY didn't you lose YOURS?? It's a fiendish plot....

  2. From reading some other posts of other bloggers, you're not the only one that lost your list. Any chance it's Blogger and it will reappear? Ranee (MN) USA

    1. Yes apparently it's Blogger and hopefully they will resolve it....soon.....

  3. Seems this is happening to a lot of bloggers, fingers crossed they will reappear.

    1. Yes I'm hoping blogger resolve it soon.....

  4. The computer, internet and providers give me headaches !
    Especially the providers.

    cheers, parsip

    1. Abso-blooming-lutely! They keep fiddling with things!

  5. I thought I was the only one to lose their blog list! I suppose it's good to know Blogger are working on it but I readied everyone I had bookmarked at the weekend. Unfortunately I know there were lots of other blogs I randomly added that I discovered when I was on my iPad so they weren't bookmarked on the PC so I may never find them again... Hopefully my old blog list will magically reappear one day.

  6. Mine magically reappeared so hopefully yours will too!
