
Thursday 29 September 2016

Merry Dancers!

Well despite my various electronic calamities this week there have been some awesome meteorological goings on!  The Merry Dancers (aurora/Northern Lights) have been giving wonderful displays over the last couple of nights.  I haven't cracked how to take photos of them yet so will rely on others. Premysl Fojtu, a local photographer, takes some very evocative and stunning images and he is happy for me to share these.

The one above show a photon beam (bit Star Trek if you ask me!) proton arc in the sky to the West of the Northern Lights last night.  I wasn't out at the time so missed it.  Amazing though, along with the millions of stars in the sky.

And this panorama.....

Stunning images!  I love seeing the lights.  Though there is a lot of light pollution from Stromness so I have to go out the front of the house where that is blocked off so that I can really see the aurora.

Interestingly in recent years I've developed a fear of being outside in the dark. Irrational I know. I always have a good torch with me and I know where obstacles might be.  But still.... so it's a bit of a challenge for me to stand outside even for this display, but I'm determined to conquer my fear! At the moment I can last 3 minutes outside, hoping I can extend that!  Though obviously the weather has to be appropriate - ha!


  1. Er... proton arc, I think.

    But you're correct about Star Trek. Set photos to stun.

    1. Thanks for keeping me right. You know how I tend to go all whimsical at times...

  2. OOps getting my physics and Sci-fi mixed up!! Thanks for the correction...

  3. Are you getting enough vitamins D and B complex? This may be contributing to your irrational fear of the dark. Especially the vitamin B complex. You are at much higher latitude than you are used to, plus as we age, our ability to obtain vitamins from our food wanes, these vitamins in particular. Making vitamin D means exposing our skin to the sun -- and sometimes it's a bit cold out to go short sleeves.

    1. Thanks for those suggestions. Yes I take a Vit D complex. The pharmacies really push that in ORkney due to lack of light in Winter. I also take a multivitamin in the Autumn.

      Interestingly even in Australia they are suggesting people take a vit D supplement because these days with the sun blocks that are essential fewer people are getting enough Vit D.

  4. Love the photos - they remind me of observing the northern lights one year from Iona. Re your anxieties about the dark - you do very well to go outside at all, so keep at it. Freda from Dalamory

    1. Hi Freda! Thanks for leaving a comment. I'll put you on my blog roll once I get the blooming thing back. How come you didn't lose yours? I just love the Northern skies. Been out tonight for 5 mins - didn't feel so bad as Button came with me!

  5. I too have recently developed a fear of being outside in the dark. I don't know if it has anything to do with my recent widowhood, but I fight it and hope to conquer it.

    1. Good for you for not giving in. I'm sure such a bereavement has affected you in so many ways. I'm so sorry for your loss. I think our fears come from that level of unconscious that is geared for survival and when we feel more vulnerable these fears kick in.

      I managed 5 minutes tonight - though I was helped by having Button there with me. :-)

  6. The Northern Lights must be a spectacular treat. Hope you get your side bar sorted. I always use yoursite as a platform for several others including the enigmatic Mr Tense!

    1. The Northern Lights can be stunning - though sometimes the photos catch the lights better than the human eye. But I love them whatever the colour. It's amazing seeing them "dance".

      And apparently Google is trying to sort out the mess it has created. If it doesn't soon I will have to recreate the list myself. Grr... I'm a bit lazy - I used to have my own website etc but these days I just go with google.... and thereby goes all the control!

  7. beautiful !!! i hope to watch these dancers one day :)

  8. Oh such wonderful photos Sian. I love your little island.
