
Monday 13 February 2017

A dusting of snow!

At the end of last week we awoke on Graemsay to a light dusting of snow. It was definitely a "wow!" moment when opening the blinds in the morning!  It was so pretty. Cold, but pretty.  It didn't stay too long which is just as well.  Although pretty it's hard for those that need to work outdoors, and for the wildlife too.

Anyway while feeding the hens I took a few photos in the morning sunshine.  Button came too, of course. Above was after the sun had risen above Windbreck hill.  The photo below was taken when the sun was still below the hill.

Here comes the sun!

Looking towards Garson.....

The Hoy hills....

I love seeing snow on the beach!

And looking down to the old Sandside Pier and over to Stromness

The pier and Stromness....

And a panorama!  The panorama feature does conflate the image but I still like the effect.

Looking towards Hoy High Lighthouse.....

Ahem, I said Button came too.  She's doing her "I'm Queen of the Castle" act...again...

Not for sitting on today!

These miniature daffs have been out for a week or so.  Brrr poor things!

Don't think I'll hang my washing on the line just now.....

And looking back down the "main road" (which was gritted before traffic going to the pier!).

Hamnavoe ferry sailing into Stromness harbour....

I headed in for tea. No sign of Button until about 30 minutes later.... Awww so sweet....

"Never mind "sweet - I've got cold paws, open the *#£$%" door, you just can't get the staff nowadays!"

And for a different perspective...... Graemsay from across the water in Orphir (can you see Hoy High Lighthouse and Sandside?)  Photo courtesy of Caroline Hogarth-Dodge.  She & Mac were here for the Burns Night Supper and are now spending some time on Mainland before heading South.


  1. Fantastic images, Sian. Button knocking at the window deserves a prize ! :D

    1. Haha yes bless poor Button out in the cold!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Beautiful pictures! I like snow as long as it's not too much and is gone by the end of the day!

    1. Yes same with me! It's pretty and we rarely get much here in the UK, so we make the most of it while it's here!

  4. I can seriously see me living there! Maybe when we retire.

    1. Maybe indeed! Or Hoy if you like walking ;-)

  5. Lovely photos of Button!

  6. A 'dusting of snow'? But then you did have rather o lot more not long ago. Beautiful photos of landscape and feline friend

    1. Thanks. We don't often get snow in Orkney. A few years ago we have a couple of inches which then froze solid and was most unpleasant. A day with snow if long enough. lOL!
