
Sunday 19 February 2017

Bits of randomness.....

I've been busy working this week and not much energy for anything else.  So just a few random photos from the week.  The weather has been changeable but mild and not too windy.

Some lovely blue skies....

Button came for a wander too of course....

Button, posing as ever.  I then had a panic as I realised these are mini-Iris and therefore poisonous to cats.  Eeek.  I don't THINK she has ever eaten any part of them.  But after this photo I dug them up!

Neighbour Sue has constructed some compost bins for me using old pallets and cable ties!

As I say - lovely calm days.....

And changing skies.....

and my favourite....

Once indoors Madam Button is keen to have a good wash.  She likes to keep her feet clean!

And those iris are now in a mug on a windowsill, safely away from Button!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sian,
    I've recently come across your blog and love looking at your photos and reading about island life. I'm currently doing a short course in non-fiction writing with Edinburgh Uni and have decided to write about women who live on remote Scottish islands. Would you be willing to talk about your island experience with me? All the best, Gemma (
