
Saturday 15 December 2018

December weather......

The worst of the Winter weather in Orkney is usually from January to Mark.  So December tends to be fairly mild, wet and windy but not severe gales.  However today we do have a gale blowing about 60mph with gusts stronger than that.  I've been out and fed hens and Charlie, the barn cat. Now Button and I are snuggled indoors.  Incidentally the hens still manage to come out and find a bit of shelter in the lea of the hen house.  They prefer that to being shut in all the time.

Above - well it wasn't taken today!  These sunset photos were taken a few days ago.....

A grey chilly day but quite calm.... hens enjoying a rootle about on the grass at the front of the house

One of the hens hoping for a snack!

Button never likes to be left behind, naturally.....

Now you know why she's called Button - eyes like Buttons!

She's fine with the hens.  She is well aware of flapping wings and pecky beaks!

Marigolds are still out in bloom even in December (though maybe not after today's gale!).

The lavatera bush was planted this year and is doing really well.  Still blooming as it has been very mild and this is a sheltered spot....

Young Kye (cattle) on the hill.  A neighbour's pony in the background, and the hills of Hoy make a good backdrop.

Calm water in Sandside bay.

Looking over to the croft of Quoys, the ruin of Quoynanapp on the hill, and the roof of Windywalls just peeping over the hill.

A neighbour uses my field as summer grazing but as it wasn't used this summer and just had hay taken off the land they are keeping sheep on it for the winter.  This is a Texel ewe.

A rain "stump" over on the Orkney Mainland

Looking over to Black Craig on the West Mainland.

And today - I can barely see out the windows for the salt covering them! White water in Hoy Sound!

Time to curl up on the sofa with Madam Button (who is already snoring!).  No boats today for Graemsay and many cancelled on the other islands.  Hopefully we get some respite tomorrow.


  1. Dreadful day here too in Cardiff, weather warnings are out.

    1. Yes I saw that Wales had severe weather warnings out. Torrential rain, wind etc. Hope all ok now?

  2. More wonderful photos of your beautiful island. Xmas greetings to you and Buttons
