
Friday 21 December 2018

Winter Solstice

Button greeting the morning...

Today is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day and the longest night.... sunset was at 15.17 and sunrise will be at 09.05 tomorrow.  I love the Winter Solstice as it means that the light gradually returns. I can take winter weather (ahem, most of the time), but the darkness I find a challenge.  However today was a stunning Winter's day, mild, NO wind, and sunshine.  I spent time outside with Button and the hens and went for a walk along the shore.

So here are a few pictures of our day....

Two of the girls...

Pecky Hen....never take your eyes off Pecky hen or you could end up in a wheelie bin!

Button sits safely on the bench.  Away from pecky beaks! My other Light Sussex hen wandering over... I used to have a whole flock of them but just the two Light Sussex remain. They must be about 8 years old now.  They don't lay eggs but they are still great characters....

The hens start to gather round as they know I am about to go and put food out for the wild birds so may get some extra treats!

Down by the shore.... looking across to Garson.

Tides out... flat calm....

Button waiting for me to stop faffing about with the camera!

Erm Button seems to do a LOT of sitting about...

The ladies rootling around in the sunshine...

And then once I was home it was time to do a bit of baking... Welsh cakes..... yum if I do say so myself! Well the Winter Solstice is a midwinter festival of feasting!

And then lighting the candle.... the circle of friends guards the light to remind the sun to return...

Now it's time to put my feet up with a cup of tea and a couple of Welshcakes and relax!!  Meanwhile here is a YouTube video I have shared every year since 2010 and I think it bears resharing... so enjoy!


  1. What lovely weather. I always look forward to the Winter Solstice especially, and celebrate it, yesterday a few drinks with friends. Welsh cakes are always a favourite no matter what time of year and go so well with a cup of tea. I like the last picture of Button with the sea background. Incidentally what bridge camera do you have, I only ask because I have been looking at them.

    1. Oh yes welsh cakes any day are great. I always bake some at Christmas, as Christmas eve was my mum's Birthday. She always made Welsh cakes though she was English, but she learned Granny's recipe from when she was living in Brynamman during the war. I've jazzed it up a bit - I use butter instead of lard and marge!

      The bridge camera I am using is an old one belonging to Mr W of Tense Towers. It's a Canon Powershot S5. But blog follower Tales of an Wessex Reiver uses and recommentds the Canon SX50 bridge. I'm hoping to play with my borrowed camera a bit more this winter....

  2. I love Welsh cakes! Made them once but they didn't live up to my memory. Happy, warm days to you, Sian.

    1. Mmm often things don't. But there is a knack to making them. I hadn't made them for many years then started again a few years ago and got back "into the groove" as they say.

  3. I love all these photos with your very charming cat. <3 Excellent model. I just would love to live in such magical place. :)))
