
Tuesday 17 September 2019

Back at the end of August....

We had some lovely weather in Orkney just before I went away South.  The evenings were glorious - as long as you could escape the midges!  Here are some more photos of a walk to the shore, this time at sunset.

Button on the alert....

I love the reflections on the sand... Button in the foreground there!

The sky was magnificent that night...

Meanwhile Button went exploring.... look closely at the side of the pier.... yes she has a habit of climbing down it. Sigh.  The first time she did it my heart nearly stopped but I've kind of got used to it as she does it frequently now - well at low tide anyway.... goodness knows what she does when I'm not looking!

And again....

Meanwhile I found treasure on the beach.... a groatie buckie (tiny cowrie shell).

The Hamnavoe ferry coming into harbour....

The tide was out too....

I love the reflections on the water...

Heading home past the byres that used to house the cattle...

And Madam Button decides to wander home too....

And here is a short (30 sec) video of the waves gently lapping the shore..... (there's a little fairy dancing in this one - haha!  Didn't spot that till it was too late...)


  1. I always enjoy the glimpses you provide into island life. The sound of the waves in the video is so soothing. And as a cat owner, I can identify with having to deal with the independence of cats. Lovely photos of the shore and Button.
