
Monday 16 September 2019

First thing on returning home....

...... is a walk to the shore, of course!  Accompanied by Button, naturally....  So here are a few pix from last week.

The tide was well out. At one point I thought Button might take a walk to Stromness! But, like me, she isn't font of walking on seaweed, so we both stayed on the sand...

Daisies along the bank by the old buildings at Sandside... (probably now shredded in this weekend's wind!)

I love the textures on the shore, the different rock strata, boulders and pebbles.

Button contemplating going on a hunting spree (field mice....)

Plenty of maerl (a sort of coral) on the beach....

And while Button stayed on the beach hunting, I wandered back through the garden to admire the late summer colour.  Sadly this has been blitzed by the wind this weekend.  But the agapanthus were looking grand against the crocosmia...for a while!

1 comment:

  1. Its always nice to be home and taking in the surrounding beauty.
