
Tuesday 31 December 2019

Graemsay from the sea....

One of the crew of our ferry, Martin, took these photos today as they sailed to Graemsay, with the Hoy High lighthouse blazing away...

Still boiling water!

Well it seems we are still having water problems and needing to boil water to drink and use for food preparation etc.  Hopefully this will soon change as the restrictions have been in place since Christmas Eve and it's getting boring now!  But we have hopes of the new decade bringing us good news!

End of the decade sunset....

And what a stunner it was too....

Hogmanay/New Year's Eve walk

It was a lovely calm day today with sun shining so I took a wander down to the shore with Button. The forecast for the next few days is pretty windy so we made the most of the benign weather! 

Today is Hogmanay (in Scotland) or New Year's Eve everywhere else!  I love the turning of the year though am more likely to be found curled up with Button and a book than out partying these days.  Though folk will be out and about on the island "first footing" over the next few days.

At the top of the track leading to the old lighthouse pier

Looking across to Stromness

Creels on the old pier

Old wheel - not sure what from with the serrated rim!

Looking across to the West Mainland

Tide is coming in....

I love Winter when I can pretend I am as tall as my shadow...

Looking to the West side of Graemsay across the pier, Hoy Hills in the background.

A Shag or Cormorant 

Madam Button

The incoming tide hiding the rocks in the shallows....

Seaweed on the shore...

Wishing you and yours a wonderful and healthy 2020!

Sunday 29 December 2019

Random photos ......

From the last few days.  I love the light at this time of year - what there is of it! Having said that it feels like it has been dark all day today with low cloud and rain all day.

Looking across to Stromness.....

Close up of the town (well far off close up!).  To the left the campsite which is empty at the moment...

Bit further along including the "Red Shed", a local landmark which used to be the old lifeboat station but is now used by a recreational diving company.

And Stromness Harbour....

Hoy High lighthouse

And the light at the top - well the rear view which is blanked out on the landward side so it doesn't disturb the neighbours (me).

And a sky after sunset.....

Friday 27 December 2019

Christmas day walk no. 2

It was such a calm day Button and I decided to go for a second walk, this time later in the afternoon.  It was a much greyer day than earlier, but still good to be outdoors.

Looking up to the Graemsay Community Hall which was refurbished this year thanks to grants from the local authority and the EU (European Union.... last of those then!).  So we have a new roof, new doors and windows, new heating, replacement lighting, insulation in the loft, and a new compost toilet.  The hall still retains its character but is lovely and warm and a much more pleasant place to be! 

Button wondering when we can get moving again....

No, really, can we move now?

A shaft of sunlight over the Manse (recently sold and new neighbour in residence).

Old lighthouse pier, Sandside bay, Manse, and Hoy hills.... with that beam of sunlight again.

Arty farty shot with creels... (lobster pots).

Creels (to catch lobsters/crabs) and looking across Sandside bay to Garson (currently for sale).

And we had a chat with the neighbours - some grey seals relaxing on the rocks at Sandside

Stromness shore in the background

Sandside Bay, with sun sinking low for the sunset to follow shortly...

Button on the go!

Hens enjoying the calm day too.  Stromness over the water in the background....

Looking up to the farm of Windbreck....

Looking to the West Mainland...

Thursday 26 December 2019

Christmas morning walk....

As I've said before I don't celebrate Christmas, but love a Winter festival and always go for at least one wander to the shore on the 25th before munching my way through goodies, and joining folk for further celebrations.

It was a surprisingly mild, calm day....

Looking across the bay

Looking over to the West Mainland....


Button of course comes for a morning walk too....

She got her present earlier from her feline friends South.  High grade catnip.  Sends her absolutely bonkers for about 20 mins, then she has to have a nap to sleep off the effects!

Look at that glazed expression!

One of my Christmas presents was a coaster that says "If it's exactly the way I want it, I'm totally flexible!"  Yup that's Button.... even caught here expression. Haha!  Mmmm though to be honest I am probably like that too - hee hee...

The hens have been enjoying the benign weather too, soaking up the sun (though keeping their feet warm too as we have had some early frosty mornings..)

Morning outside the henny house!

And some photos after having played with some filters.  I think they are quite atmospheric harking to times past...

Hope you had a calm and peaceful time whatever you did and wherever you are....