
Sunday 16 February 2020

Before the storm(s)

And the day before Storm Ciara was a beautiful day with a chance for Button and I to get to the beach.

Button is glad to be out and about too!

Think she's hunting for groatie buckies (tiny shells) in this picture. Hee hee!

So still and calm...

Time to head home now....

Mini daffs in the garden....

This elderly hen was also glad to have the sun on her back.  She's Wheezy Hen as for some time she had a distinct wheeze but that seems to have cleared up now.  She will be 10 this year - that's quite an age for a hen.  She's blind in one eye and doesn't venture far these days but was out with her sister and the rest of the girls to enjoy the sun and a bit of a rootle about.

And some daffs indoors (bought ones but I love their fragrance and it's a harbinger of Spring... even if Spring is a way off just now!)

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