
Monday 17 February 2020

More sunshine....

And another precious sunny day before the storms.  It was even quite mild, and again the hens enjoyed being out and about rather than hunkering down near the hen house all the time. Above the Hamnavoe ferry sailing into Stromness from Scrabster in the North of Scotland.  A lovely day to arrive in Orkney.

I love the wispy clouds!

And my lovely hellebore! It is the first winter it's managed to survive the gales to flower!

Sadly this miniature iris didn't survive the storms.... it was so pretty too.

And some of the mini daffs.  There are various clumps around the garden.  They are always the first to flower but even they are early this year.  Probably due to such a mild winter (so far!).

Perennials pushing through again - think this is a geranium...

The hens have discovered that plenty of seeds drop from the bird feeder on windy days and they sweep up any the wild birds have missed!


  1. That is good weather and your mini daffs are at the same stage as ours.

    1. How are you doing with the terrible floods? Have been following the news from South Wales. Devastating! We have had lots of gales and quite a bit of rain but few floods thankfully.

    2. We were fortunate Sian as we're a bit further from the river and slightly higher. Many houses in the next village Nantgarw were flooded, I posted some pictures,

    3. Yes I'd seen the pictures online of Nantgarw. My late father had family there (well used to). So awful and as you say in your blog the clean up takes such a long time.

  2. Send some of the sun over here, although like you it has been a mild winter there has been very little sun.

    1. Very little sun this week. More gales, grey skies, hail, bored now! Forecast 75mph winds today.... Hope you are safe and warm!

  3. I'm amazed that you already have flowers blooming.

    1. If they can get shelter we do get early flowering blooms like snow drops and crocus - though they often get battered by storms and then I feel badly for planting them in the first place!
